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Majors, Minors and Certificates

While there is no one “right” major for pre-med students, there are some programs that align more readily with medical school admission requirements. Listed below are a few academic programs that may be helpful in preparing for a career in medicine.

The following majors, certificates, and minors are among the most popular degree programs selected by pre-med students at UC. However, combing any UC major along with the Pre-Med prerequisite courses is still a very effective way to complement your educational goals.



College of Allied Health Sciences (CAHS)

Health Sciences

Medical Laboratory Science [CEG2] (35BS CLSC)


College of Arts & Sciences (A&S)

Biological Sciences — Biomedical Studies (15BS BIOL)

Biochemistry (15BS BIOC)

Chemistry  (BS-15BS CHEM) or (BA-15BA CHEM)

Neuroscience (15BS NS)

Philosophy – Biohumanities track (15BA PHIL)
Philosophy - Cognitive Studies track (15BA PHIL COG)

Psychology (15BA PSYC & 15BS PSYC)

Liberal Arts : Medicine, Health & Society


College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services (CECH)

Health Education – Public & Community Health (18BS HEDU-P)

Substance Abuse Counseling (18BS-SACN)

College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (CEAS)

Biomedical Engineering – (two tracks) (20BSBME BME)


College of Medicine

Medical Sciences (BS Medical sciences)

Public Health (BS Public Health)


Certificates and Minors

Certificate/minor in Chemistry College of Arts & Sciences

Certificate in Biological Sciences - College of Arts & Sciences

Certificate in Medical Humanities - College of Arts & Sciences

Certificate in Bioethics - College of Arts & Sciences

Disability Studies Certificate - College of Arts & Sciences  

Certificate in Pre-Med - College of Arts & Sciences

Certificate in Minority Health - College of Arts & Sciences

Public Health Minor  - College of Medicine

Medical Sciences Minor - College of Medicine