3242 Results

Yahoo Life: Three simple ways to move more and prevent muscle pain while working from home

April 29, 2021

Prevention magazine cited a research study from the University of Cincinnati looking at ergonomics and working from home. The researchers sent an email survey last year to 4,500 faculty and staff after the coronavirus pandemic prompted UC to ask workers to continue operations from home when possible. The survey had 843 people complete it and showed some trends and offered a glimpse into what many who work from home were encountering.


WMC-TV, Memphis: Teens stopping suicides

February 2, 2021

Jennifer Wright-Berryman, PhD, of the School of Social Work at the UC College of Allied Health Sciences was interviewed in a segment produced by Ivanhoe News and aired on WMC-TV in Memphis focusing on the fight against teen suicide. Wright-Berryman is the lead national researcher for Hope Squad.