8498 Results

Cincinnati.com: Forever chemicals in Ohio's drinking water: Why Cincinnati is better off than Indian Hill

November 22, 2023

New data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency shows that industrial pollutants, known as forever chemicals, which are linked to cancer and other serious ailments, are rarely detected in samples of drinking water from Cincinnati and most nearby communities. Cincinnati.com posted a story on PFAS, and one of the experts cited was Susan Pinney, PhD, of the Department of Environmental and Public Health Sciences at the UC College of Medicine.


Dayton 24/7 Now: Environmental concerns after lithium-ion battery burns in Piqua, why the company was allowed to police itself

November 15, 2023

People in the Dayton, Ohio suburb of Piqua are expressing concerns about the city burning lithium-ion batteries at a training facility near the Great Miami River. The program had been going on for five years, since 2018, but the environmental impact of these lithium-ion battery burns is still unknown. Dayton 24/7 Now produced a story on the issue, interviewing Jun Wang, PhD, of the Department of Environmental and Public Health Sciences at the UC College of Medicine.


New York Times: What to know about lead exposure in children

February 27, 2024

A recent outbreak of lead poisoning from cinnamon in applesauce has drawn attention to the toxic effect the heavy metal can have on children. The cinnamon in the applesauce was believed to have been intentionally contaminated, possibly to add to its value as a commodity sold by weight. The New York Times published an article on the outbreak, quoting Kim Dietrich, PhD, of the Department of Environmental and Public Health Sciences at the UC College of Medicine.