28214 Results

REU-ing in Ohio and Mississippi

August 21, 2005

The NSF-funded REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) program in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati (UC) has introduced a novel idea-incorporate a visiting faculty member into the program.


Edna Kaneshiro Awarded Grant

August 18, 2005

NIH s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has awarded Edna Kaneshiro $1,400,000 for her project Sterol Metabolism in Pneumocystis.


UC Rises Rapidly In U.S. News Scores

August 18, 2005

The University of Cincinnati jumped 15 places since last year in comparative rankings by U.S. News & World Report. Over the past five years, UC has climbed 27 places in the national quality survey of colleges and universities.


Poetry Prize Goes To McMicken English Major

August 17, 2005

I was stunned, thrilled, and remained relieved, said PhD student Sophia Kartsonis upon learning that she had won the Stan and Tom Wick prize for Intaglio, her full-length volume of poetry.


Q&A: John Bickle

August 17, 2005

The fifth edition of Understanding Scientific Reasoning, co-authored by philosophy department head John Bickle, was published in July by Thomson Wadsworth.


McMicken Graduate Rises To Cambridge Challenge

August 17, 2005

McMicken graduate Carl McTague first attracted attention in 2003 when he was invited to present a keynote address at the 5th International Mathematica Symposium along with Nobel laureate John Nash and other famous mathematicians.


Meet…Greg Spilman

August 17, 2005

When most people consider retiring, they envision lives of leisure, taking time to play with grandkids and travel.


IAMHIST Conference Wins High Praise

August 17, 2005

Race and Ethnicity in the Media was the theme for the biennial conference of IAMHIST (International Association for Media History) that was co-sponsored by UC and the American Jewish Archives of Hebrew Union College.


Congratulations to...

August 17, 2005

Dean Gould extends best wishes and congratulations to the following faculty who will receive promotion and/or tenure.