28804 Results

Med Center's Henney Subject Of Enquirer Profile

August 26, 2003

Dr. Jane Henney, the newly arrived senior vice president and provost for health affairs at the UC Medical Center, talks at length about her new position and the future direction of the Med Center in the first media interview since her arrival early this month. The story ran on the front page of Monday's Cincinnati Enquirer.


UC Receives National Science Foundation Funding

August 26, 2003

New entrepreneurs in the region around Cincinnati will find their opportunities enhanced through a training program to be set up by UC and five partners that will be funded by a $600,000 National Science Foundation grant.


Sander Dining Center To Re-Open Sept. 2

August 26, 2003

Attention all diners! MarketPointe@Siddall will be closing after dinner on Friday, Aug. 29, and will reopen for breakfast on Thursday, Sept. 18. In the meantime, Sander Dining Center, which has been closed all summer, will reopen for breakfast on Sept. 2.


Corry Street Detour Announced For Sept. 2-3

August 26, 2003

Major construction along Corry Street will require temporarily closing of the roadway between Scioto and Dennis streets. This closure will occur on Sept. 2 and 3. Follow this link to find out about who will be most impacted and what detour routes will be in effect.


One Stop Web Site Gets A New Look

August 19, 2003

The One Stop Web Site is where students can take care of the business of being a student. Now, they have a chance to give their input on the look of the new Web site.


Dr. Randall K. Wolf Returns to Cincinnati

August 18, 2003

One of the world's pioneers in robotic cardiac surgery is returning to his hometown of Cincinnati, where he will hold appointments in both the Department of Surgery and the Department of Biomedical Engineering at UC. He will also serve as the director of UC s Center for Surgical Innovation.


UC Sociologist Predicts Iraq War Toll on Children

August 17, 2003

Before the war, UC sociologist Steve Carlton-Ford estimated that between 22,000 and 44,000 Iraqi children would die as a result of the war and its aftermath. Judging from indicators he has seen so far, he is not revising that forecast.


UC Sociologist Predicts Iraq War Toll on Children

August 13, 2003

Before the war in Iraq began, University of Cincinnati sociologist Steven L. Carlton-Ford guesstimated in a conservative scenario that 22,000-44,000 children under 5 would die as a direct and indirect consequence of the conflict, within the next year.