28572 Results

VIEW WEBCAST: Harvard Prof from UC Retention Workshop

March 4, 2003

Watch live on the Web on Thursday, March 6 beginning at 9:40 a.m. as Richard J. Light, the Walter H. Gale Professor of Education at Harvard, discusses "Effective Classes, Mentoring and Advising" at UC's 2003 Retention Workshop.


Wednesday: UC Relay for Life Rally

March 4, 2003

The Relay for Life Spring Rally holds information for UC and surrounding communities on how to get involved in the fundraiser for the American Cancer Society that will be held on campus April 18-19.


Law Library Hosting Reception to Open Art Exhibition

March 4, 2003

The Marx Law Library will host a reception on Friday, March 7 from 4:30-8:30 p.m. to celebrate the opening of a new exhibition from DAAP alum Fabienne Christenson. The exhibition, "...but you know it when you see it.", runs through July.


Spring 2003 Study Abroad at UC

March 3, 2003

Globalization, rather than socialization and sun, will be the priority for more than 220 students heading overseas this spring.


Poetry Month Events Planned at RWC

March 3, 2003

University of Cincinnati Raymond Walters College celebrates National Poetry Month this April with poet Pauletta Hansel, a perfornance of MacBeth by the Cincinnati Shakespeare Festival, and poetry-writing contests for both high school students and the RWC community.