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One Stop Web site

January 12, 2003

One Stop Student Services are available at the click of your mouse.


Geography Professor Plans Geoarchaeology Trip to Belize

January 9, 2003

Geography professor Nicholas Dunning and a select group of students will conduct an ongoing investigation of ancient Maya impacts on the natural environment in northwestern Belize as part of a physical geography field methods course April 28th through May 10.


E-BRIEF: Let's Toast to a Healthier 2003

January 8, 2003

The New Year often means a new health kick: Vows to tone up and trim down, and maybe going to the doctor and getting ourselves as regularly "maintenanced" as we do our cars. So, this week's University of Cincinnati e-briefing examines the health concerns of the young and old, and what you should be doing to preserve your good health.


The Hard Work of Vigilance Can Improve on Cue

January 8, 2003

Vital vigilance tasks crucial to fighter pilots, air-traffic controllers, airport-security personnel and to varied industries is hard work for the human brain. But the brain drain can be reduced and performance enhanced by prompting attention, according to research by a team of University of Cincinnati and Catholic University of America psychologists.


UC Sports Researcher Uncovers Cincinnati's History

January 7, 2003

Kevin Grace, a nationally recognized sports researcher, says our passion and our history of sports is one of the identifying trademarks of the city. His book, Cincinnati On Field and Court--The Sports Legacy of the Queen City, details more than 200 photos from Grace's massive research collection.