Message from Dean Whalen: Call to Action
July 14, 2020
The College of Allied Health Sciences provides its call to action against the racial injustices that have shaken our society and community.
The Marvin F. Kelly Memorial Scholarship Fund established in Allied Health Sciences
September 11, 2020
Donor Marvin Kelly has established a new scholarship for Medical Laboratory Sciences students at the University of Cincinnati. Read more!
CAHS students rise to the challenge during the pandemic
December 14, 2020
Students in the Unviersity of Cincinnati College of Allied Health Sciences balance their roles as students with their roles on the frontlines of the pandemic.
UC’s Health Sciences Building Receives National Recognition
December 23, 2020
The Health Sciences Building earns Gold LEED Certification as well as the 2020 Design Excellence Award from the American Institute of Architects Chicago.
Flexible program options allow social work students to study at their own pace
April 16, 2021
The University of Cincinnati Accerated Master of Social Work (MSW) program gives students the opportunity to save time and money while obtaining their degree for an in-demand career field.
First cohort accepted for Accelerated Dietitian Nutritionist pilot program
April 21, 2021
The University of Cincinnati Accelerated Dietitian Nutritionist Program gives students fast-track path to becomming an RDN while giving them exceptional internship experiences.
UC’s Speech and Hearing Clinic aims to expand services and access
August 5, 2021
Clinic Director Amber Meadows-Yusko is leading the implementation of new services, such as a transgender voice modification program, and increasing access through telehealth.
The Joe Hall Scholarship Advances Education for Students of Color at UC’s School of Social Work
September 13, 2021
In 1995, the Children’s Home and UC College of Allied Health Sciences partnered to create a scholarship to honor social work pioneer Joe Hall—and help diversify the workforce.
How hands-on learning shaped my education
October 7, 2021
Pre-Athletic Training student, Hannah Schroeder, gets unique position in UC Athletics as a Sports Medicine Student Manager.