91 Results

UC engineering student committed to improving education in STEM

March 25, 2024

At the University of Cincinnati, Gibin Raju was able to combine his passions for engineering and teaching. UC is home to a prolific engineering education program, one of the first of its kind. As a doctoral student, Raju uses biomarkers like eye-tracking and electrodermal activity to understand how students go about solving problems in engineering.


What it's like doing an out-of-state co-op

March 6, 2024

Hyojung Kim, University of Cincinnati chemical engineering student, spent a semester on co-op in Idaho Falls working at the Idaho National Laboratory. UC's co-op program is ranked top five in the nation. For this rotation, Kim had to relocate. This piece shares what it is like to work on co-op out of state.


UC student groups slated to present at engineering expo

March 18, 2024

Each year, senior students at the University of Cincinnati's College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) showcase their capstone projects at the CEAS Expo held at the Duke Energy Convention Center in downtown Cincinnati. The event features projects that range from medical devices, formula style vehicles, robots, progressive research experiments, interactive products and more. Past winning projects include a robotic blackjack dealer, a working t-shirt cannon, solar energy solutions and a double-arm prosthetic, to list a few.


Tips for time management in college

March 27, 2024

One challenge many students face when transitioning to a college schedule and course load is how to manage their time. This is especially important in engineering since students, aside from their first year, do not get summers off due to the co-op schedule. University of Cincinnati civil engineering student Julie Holkovic provides helpful time management tips that she has learned through her five years in the College of Engineering and Applied Science.


UC civil engineering student inspires young women in construction

August 14, 2024

From a young age, Gracie Hill was inspired by her father's career in the construction field. He earned his degree from the University of Cincinnati's College of Engineering and Applied Science and she wanted to do the same. Now at UC she has developed a website that aims to recruit, retain and promote the success of women in the construction industry. She works under the guidance of Emeritus Professor George Suckarieh.


Materials science student seeks to improve health care

August 20, 2024

At the University of Cincinnati, innovation is a pillar of education, something that drew doctoral candidate Yuxin Wang to continue her studies here. Under the guidance of Professor Donglu Shi, Wang is researching how nanomaterials can be used in medical drug delivery and diagnostics to improve health care outcomes. She was recently named Graduate Student Engineer of the Month by the College of Engineering and Applied Science.


Commuter student experience at UC

Aradana Nair, a third-year computer science student at the University of Cincinnati College of Engineering and Applied Science, shares her experience as a commuter student, how she stays connected on campus, and her advice for other students interested in commuting.


UC International co-op – what's that?

Interested in the international co-op program at the University of Cincinnati? Gretchen Spears, mechanical engineering student, shares her experience working on co-op in Tuttlingen, Germany.


UC engineer explores more efficient propulsion for aircraft

January 4, 2024

University of Cincinnati aerospace engineering doctoral student Saugat Ghimire was fascinated by planes his entire life. At UC, he has been involved in teaching and research, on-campus activities such as serving as the president of the Nepalese Student Association and the vice president of the Aerospace Engineering Graduate Student Government. He was named Graduate Student Engineer of the Month by the College of Engineering and Applied Science.


UC robotics competition leads students to engineering

January 5, 2024

As a high school student, Emma Korman's interest in engineering was sparked by her experience competing in the annual University of Cincinnati robotics competition. Now, she's a second-year mechanical engineering student at UC – and she helps plan the robotics competition to inspire other local kids to follow in her footsteps.