Inventory of Sites Rebuilt or Otherwise Included in EarthWorks
March 4, 2003
An inventory of sites rebuilt or otherwise included in scenes (or to be included) found in the EarthWorks project.
Picture It: A Poster is Worth a Thousand Words
March 2, 2003
Almost 200 of UC s graduate students are going to deliver a quick sketch of their latest research efforts during a Poster Forum set for noon-4 p.m. Friday, March 7, on the conference level of UC s Kingsgate Marriott Conference Center.
E-BRIEF: Religious Schools Make the Grade
February 20, 2003
Religious schools make the grade: witness upswing in numbers, enrollment
Design Students Face a Make-or-Break Assignment
February 18, 2003
On Feb. 21, it's cross or consequences for interior design and architecture students. They must build 8-foot spans of organic materials and then cross in groups. Often, with crasing results.
PROFILE: Teacher Bruce Bardes is Bulgaria Bound
February 9, 2003
A long-ago, childhood business is the reason UC faculty member Bruce Bardes will soon head off to Sofia, Bulgaria, to teach engineering courses as a Fulbright Exchange Scholar.
Design Students Reach for Purrrr-fection
February 6, 2003
UC architecture and interior design students gave their dog-gone best efforts in a recent design challenge with a twist.
Architecture Students Learn Nuts-and-Bolts Lessons
February 5, 2003
It's "robo-rama" at UC's design college on Feb. 10, as architecture students display life-size "self-portrait" robots.
Documentary Gives Voice to Architects
February 4, 2003
University of Cincinnati professors have designed a documentary that describes the professional life of architects. Next, they'll record the views of those involved in Zaha Hadid's Contemporary Arts Center.