36 Results

Keeping UC tobacco free

August 30, 2018

A friendly reminder to all that UC is tobacco free. All forms of tobacco, including smoking, e-cigarettes and vaping, are prohibited on campus owned and leased properties, including garages. Cessation resources, such as one-on-one and group Freshstart sessions and Quitlogix quitline, are available. Tell us your thoughts about tobacco use on campus by visiting the Tobacco Free UC page and clicking on the survey button.


SuccessFactors News Job Profiles Replace Job Descriptions

August 5, 2018

All UC faculty, staff and student employees have access to view Job Profiles from the SuccessFactors landing page. Job Profiles, which replace Job Descriptions, include essential job functions and characteristic duties to be successful in a positon. Job Descriptions will no longer be posted on the UC HR website. An informational video and Job Aid is available on the SuccessFactors landing page.