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Chamber to offer input for gubernatorial debate viewers



Viewers will have the chance to pose questions at an upcoming debate between Ohio gubernatorial candidates via the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber's Web site.

The chamber said Tuesday that during the course of the debate between Republican Ken Blackwell and Democrat Ted Strickland on Oct. 4, anyone with a question can log on to the chamber site at and submit a question.

The questions will be given to the debate panelists, who can choose to pose them to either candidate, but there is no guarantee a question will be asked, the chamber said in a news release.

The debate will begin at 7 p.m., at the University of Cincinnati's Patricia Corbett Theater. It is part of a series sponsored by the Cincinnati USA Debate Alliance, which includes the chamber and other local businesses and organizations, including the Courier. It will be broadcast live by local public TV station WCET, and by WCPO-TV/Channel 9.