Get to Know Emily Devlin (She|Her)

Emily smiling in front of art

Psychology Therapy Practicum Trainee

Emily Devlin, she/her, is a clinical psychology graduate student located at the UC CAPS Calhoun location. She is the psychology therapy practicum student for this year. She is currently in her sixth year in the clinical doctoral program at the University of Cincinnati.  

Emily’s therapeutic approach is general and broad, based on the client’s needs, but she is informed by Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and trauma-informed care and has strong interests working with students who are working through anxiety, depression, relationship concerns, emotion dysregulation, trauma, coping with minority stress, and exploring identity. She aims to support all clients, but with a specific interest in LGBT clients, by creating a space where they can explore how their intersecting identities—such as sexual orientation, gender identity, and cultural background—have shaped their experiences and personal narratives. She is dedicated to helping clients identify and address potential generational trauma and harm, recognize the impact of systemic issues, and empower them to effect meaningful change in their lives.

Currently, I am listening to this podcast: Handsome Pod

What I do to take care of myself after a challenging day/time/situation: Listening to music and using grounding techniques

What I like about Cincinnati: The beautiful parks