GRE Fundamentals

GRE Fundamentals - $795 for University of Cincinnati Students and Alumni

  • 24 hours of expert-led live instruction covering all content and test-taking strategies
  • 180+ hours of total instruction and practice
  • 8 computer adaptive-by-section practice exams
  • Interactive score reports for focused test review
  • 470+ online drills,  3500+ practice questions
  • Hours of instructional on-demand lessons


  1. Click on GRE Fundamentals
  2. Scroll down to "Enroll Now"
  3. Find the course that best fits your needs, and click "See Details"
  4. Find the Course ID and Recommended Test Date. You will need these for registration.
  5. Now, you can register here using your M#.
  6. Under Choose a Group, select "Test Preparation Courses" and select your preferred course.
  7. Once you submit your registration, you will be contacted within 7-business days.