Test preparation

  • Investigate all options thoroughly prior to committing. This is not an exhaustive list and PPAC does not endorse any test preparation company.

DAT guide

Test prep reduced rates for UC students and alumni (Kaplan and Princeton Review

American Dental Association website

American Dental Education Association

DATPath Accelerator

  • DATPath Accelerator is diversifying the field of dental practitioners to keep talent in the state of Ohio. We provide financial aid to students who are interested in sitting for the DAT to increase diversity of historically underrepresented populations in the field of dentistry and raise awareness of the possibility for students to continue their education and further their career through post-graduate study. 
  • Recipients of a paid DAT course are provided opportunities to be introduced to local American Dental Association (ADA) districts and given access to dental professionals and potential mentors. In-person, online or self-paced online Kaplan DAT Prep courses valued at $1499.