Professional and Technical Career Fair
This page has information for employers. Students and alumni can learn more about the fair in Handshake and check out How to Prepare for a Career Fair.
Day | Date | Employer Check-in | Fair Hours | Location(s) |
Professional Day: Business and students who want to work in business | Feb. 11 | 8:30 a.m. | 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. | Campus Recreation Center |
Technical Day 1: Engineering and IT |
Feb. 12 | 8:30 a.m. | 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. | Campus Recreation Center and Tangeman University Center |
Technical Day 2: Engineering and IT | Feb. 13 | 8:30 a.m. | 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. | Campus Recreation Center |
Post-Fair Interviews |
Feb. 14 | 8:00 a.m. | 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. | Campus Recreation Center |
Employer Registration
Registration closed on January 17, 2025.
Registrations remain in a pending state until reviewed. Please do not book travel until you receive confirmation that your registration has been approved.
Because space is limited, employers recruiting for engineering and/or IT should choose one Technical Day or the other. There is no difference between the two days in terms of job seekers, so choose the one that works for your schedule. That said, employers who want to attend BOTH Technical Days must purchase a Premium Booth for each day and add the Bearcat Package under General Items.
Companies that are primarily hiring in construction, civil engineering or architectural engineering will be allocated a certain number of booths/tables on each technical day.
On Wednesday, these spaces will be the Tangeman University Center (TUC) Great Hall. On Thursday, these spaces will be in a section of the Campus Recreation Center (no one is in TUC on Thursday).
If these spaces are sold out when you register, select "Construction/Civil Engineering Waiting List" to let us know you'd like to attend if a spot opens up. If you are willing to attend either day, join the waiting list for both dates. If you can only attend one or the other, join the waiting list for that day only.
A standard (single) booth is $600 on Professional Day or $800 on the Technical Days. A premium (double) booth is $1500 on the Professional Day or $1800 on the Technical Days. In the Campus Recreation Center, booths are 10'x10' for standard, 10'x20' for premium. In Tangeman University Center there are no booths, just 6'x30" tables.
We offer a 50% discount to nonprofit organizations, government entities, and first-time attendees. Discounts apply to standard registrations only. The first-timer discount is extended to companies that have not attended this fair in the past 36 months, and "first-timer" applies to the company, not a representative. Government contractors do not qualify for the discount. Discounts cannot be stacked. Discounts, if any, will be applied upon approval of your fair registration.
Payment is due January 24, 2025. Credit card payment is preferred. If you must pay by check, make payable to "University of Cincinnati" and mail to University of Cincinnati, P.O. Box 210115, Cincinnati OH 45221-0115. You will receive an invoice upon approval of your career fair registration.
Companies with an outstanding balance from a previous fair will not be approved to attend until the balance is paid.
Cancellations received on or before January 17, 2025, will not pay the registration fee, or, if payment has already been made, will receive a full refund. Cancellations received January 18 through January 24 will be charged 50% of the registration fee or receive a 50% refund. Cancellations received after January 24 will be charged 100% of the registration fee and will NOT receive a refund. Cancellations must be approved in writing.
Inclement Weather Policy
In the unlikely event of a University closure, the career fair may still take place. If the University closes on any day of the fair, a refund will be issued for that day only, and only if the University also cancels the fair that day. In other words, for refund purposes, each day is considered a separate event.
In response to growing demand among students for jobs that support environmental sustainability and the increasing importance of sustainability to business operations, we will highlight companies that are actively hiring for "green" roles at this fair.
Students from UC's Net Impact chapter will determine eligibility. To be considered as a green jobs employer, indicate your interest when you register for the fair. Learn more about the green jobs designation.
Companies that do not attend the career fair may not schedule on-campus recruiting (e.g., information sessions or interviews) before or during career fair week. Instead, we invite you to schedule these for the weeks after the fair.
Additional Events
Companies committed to recruiting a diverse and talented workforce in engineering and IT are invited to this event on Wednesday, February 12, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Nippert Stadium West Pavilion. Free. RSVP for this event as part of your career fair registration.
At this event, students will be stationed around the room in clusters representing their affinities, and employer representatives will walk around to meet them. Student groups may include:
- Association of Women of Color in Engineering (AWOCE)
- National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
- Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE)
- Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
- Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
- IT Proud
- WIC: Women in Cybersecurity
- ACM-W (for women in computing)
- LGBTQ+ students
- Neurodiverse students
- Students with disabilities
- Veterans
Decompress with fellow recruiters and UC's employer relations team after Wednesday's fair. The happy hour is scheduled for Wednesday, February 12, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in the employer dining room in the Campus Recreation Center. Employer representatives who exhibited in the Rec Center or Tangeman University Center are welcome. No need to RSVP, but be advised that space is limited.
Post-Fair Interviews
Employers may conduct post-fair, in-person interviews on site on the Friday of career fair week. Interviews will take place in the Campus Recreation Center gymnasium from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
We will provide blank interview schedules at employer check-in. Each two-part form is pre-printed with 30-minute interview slots. Some recruiters like to fill in their interview schedule(s) as the day goes on; others prefer to contact their top candidates immediately following the fair to schedule interviews. Either way, it is your responsibility to contact candidates directly to schedule interviews with them. Remind them that the interview will take place on the lower level of the Campus Recreation Center and to arrive at least 15 minutes early.
We ask that you turn in the yellow copy of your interview schedule(s) to us for our records.
We ask that you conclude all interviews no later than 3 p.m., as we start breaking down the room at that time.
Job seekers browse employer booths in the Campus Recreation Center. Photo/Joseph Fuqua III
On Professional Day (Tuesday) and the second Technical Day (Thursday), all employers will be in the Campus Recreation Center.
On the the first Technical Day (Wednesday), employers will be split between the Campus Recreation Center and the nearby Tangeman University Center.
Both buildings are centrally located on the University's main campus. View a campus map.
Career Fair Parking and Shuttle
We provide free parking at the Cincinnati Zoo South Lot with free continuous shuttle service to and from campus.
- The Zoo South Lot is bounded by Vine Street, Erkenbrecher, Euclid and Shields. On GPS, use the address 35 Louis Ave, Cincinnati OH 45220. Google map of Zoo South Lot.
- Career fair visitors may enter starting at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
- Look for a “Career Fair Parking” sign at the parking lot entrance.
- You do not need a ticket or voucher.
- You may park in any available space.
Career Fair Shuttle
Free shuttle service will be provided between the Zoo and campus starting at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The last shuttle will depart campus at 4 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday and at 6 p.m. on Wednesday. Shuttle stops will be marked with signs.
Shuttles will run a continuous loop between the Zoo and a single Career Fair Shuttle Stop on Campus Green Drive behind LIndner Hall. View a campus map.
If you are exhibiting in the Campus Recreation Center (most people), you will walk from Campus Green Drive to the Campus Recreation Center. If you have a mobility issue, let us know in advance so we can try to accommodate you.
If you are exhibiting in Tangeman University Center (only about 50 employers, on Wednesday only), golf carts will run representatives from Campus Green Drive to Tangeman University Center and back to the shuttle stop.
Parking for Interviews
If you will be on campus for interviews, do not park in the Zoo lot. Instead, park in a campus garage and pick up a parking voucher from the Employer Help Desk before you leave.
We recommend Campus Green Garage or Woodside Garage. Be advised that campus garages are often full between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. You can check real-time availability of parking in campus garages using the Parking Tracker. On the tracker, blue or green means parking is available in that garage.
Recommended Garage | Address | Coordinates | Clearance |
Campus Green Garage | 2935 Campus Green Drive | 39.135716 -84.515223 | 6'9" |
Woodside Garage |
2913 Woodside Drive | 39.135025 -84.515180 | 6'7" |
Dropping Off Booth Materials
Drop off packages or passengers near the venue, and we'll get them to your booth while you park and ride the shuttle back. View a campus map.
Directions to the drop-off point for exhibitors in the Campus Recreation Center:
- From Martin Luther King Drive, turn south on Woodside Drive.
- Proceed with caution through the vehicle checkpoint to continue south.
- Proceed slowly past the new Lindner College of Business building on your left.
- When you see a large brick building on your right, bear right and look for signs saying “Career Fair Drop-Off.”
- Follow instructions from volunteers.
- After unloading, turn around and exit the way you came in.
- Drop-off GPS coordinates: Latitude 39.13307425672819, Longitude -84.51524095817385
Directions to the drop-off point for exhibitors in Tangeman University Center:
- From Clifton Avenue, enter the campus at Clifton Avenue and Straight Street.
- Tell the gate guard you are dropping off materials for the career fair.
- Proceed along the roadway (University Circle) and look for a sign saying “Career Fair Drop-Off.”
- Pull over and follow instructions from volunteers.
- After unloading, continue on University Circle down the hill. Turn right onto Clifton Avenue and proceed to the Zoo parking lot.
- Drop-off GPS coordinates: Latitude 39.13108523065556, Longitude -84.51950030607846
You may ship materials in advance, and your packages will be delivered to your career fair booth for you. Ship items to arrive no later than 3 p.m. on February 7, 2025, at the address below. Enclose a return shipping label in each package. At the close of the fair, securely pack, seal, and label your packages, and we will route them to the carrier. We do not assume responsibility for mishandled or misplaced packages.
Ship-to Address
Univ Cincinnati Receiving
Docks N1-N7
5121 Fishwick Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45216
The following hotels are closest to campus:
Future Dates
- September 16-18, 2025
- February 10-12, 2026
Future dates are subject to change.
Cordelia Schack-Edmiston
Assistant Director, Partnership Development (for questions about recruiting and UC's co-op program)
Suzanne Schindler
Events Manager (for questions about the fair itself)
The Professional and Technical Career Fair is a co-production of the College of Cooperative Education and Professional Studies, CEAS Tribunal (College of Engineering and Applied Science student tribunal), and Lindner Career Services.