Interest Circles

A group of ten or more members may ask the Executive Board for permission to form a Circle.  The Circle must represent specific interests of the membership and hold regular meetings. Each Circle elects its own Chair. Club members are free to participate in all Circles. Prospective members are welcome to attend Circles as occasional guests before joining the Club. RSVP attendance to Circle Chair.

Meetings are held in the homes of members unless otherwise indicated.

New members are always welcome to all of the Circles. Please check the monthly Newsletter for updates on times and locations.

The Brunch Bunch meets on the 1st Monday of the month at 11.30am at a restaurant which has enough space to hold us. 

You are welcome to come, bring a husband, boyfriend, neighbor or anyone else!  This Circle is about having fun!

If you are interested in participating, RSVP to Carol Meadows at or call 513 731 3000.  and we will put you on the Brunch Bunch mailing list.

 It is important to give us your phone number, a text number and an email address.

The Circle meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month 6 times a year with a yearly luncheon in May. All meetings will take place at Oakley Library 4033 Gilmore Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45209 at 1pm. Open to all members of the Club.

If you are interested in participating, RSVP to Tari Carrelli at, cell (call or text) 513-257-8861.

Circle members take turns hosting meetings on Thursday afternoons. If you are interested in participating, please contact Jan Dyehouse on (513) 312-9842

We are currently knitting and crocheting hats and scarves to donate to Crayons and Computers. Some are working on other Needlecraft projects. Members bring their current needlework or mending for a relaxed morning of camaraderie on the second Tuesday of each month at 10AM including summer months.

If you are interested, please contact Diana Fenichel on (513) 936-8164

 The Evening Book Circle meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. We are currently using ZOOM for our meetings. Check for some upcoming books in the Woman’s Club monthly newsletter for further book selections.

Our books upcoming books are: 

  • AUGUST: The Book Woman's Daughter by Kim Michelle Richardson
  • SEPTEMBER: Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolotano
  • OCTOBER: His & Hers by Alice Feeney
  • NOVEMBER: Tom Lake by Ann Patchett

If you are interested or have any questions, please conact Diana Noelcke on (513) 910-3326, or Betsy Rodarte-Boiman on (859) 801-2819 for more information

This circle promotes relationships among club members who are in the workforce. Interested members should email, or to be added to the email chain and participate in informal gatherings, business lunches, and happy hours. Circle  members take turns coordinating a time, date and place for a gathering. Guests are always welcome!

This circle provides opportunities for members to participate in student-centered activities sponsored by various academic and non-academic entities of this University and in relevant philanthropic programs sponsored by the University’s community-based partners. Members meet four times a year to discuss plans for and confirm their availability in support of the selected volunteer opportunities for that Club year. Circle meetings TBD 

Executive Board consists of executive committee members, standing committee chairs and circle chairs. Meetings will be announced in advance.   

If you are interested or have any questions, please conact Teresa Hamrick on (859) 466-3299 for more information