Ombuds Office

For over 50 years, the Ombuds team has contributed to developing a conflict-competent campus community. Learn more about our work and meet the team on the About Us page.

Who we help:

The Ombuds office supports all faculty, staff, students, post-docs, interns, families, alumni, and community members as they navigate conflict. 

How we think about conflict:

We define conflict as any interaction that includes difference. We know conflict is normal and inevitable. These interactions can sometimes be predictable, challenging, transformative, or positive. There is no level or threshold for “how bad” a conflict needs to be before utilizing the office— everyone is welcome to utilize the Ombuds Office as much or as little as they like. We are here to explore options for all conflicts, big and small with you and/or someone you know. 

How we can help:

The Ombuds is a space to share your university-related conflicts and concerns. You choose what, if anything, happens next. The ombuds team will help identify options which could include:

  • Exploring different approaches for engaging.
  • Gathering information about university resources or processes.
  • Inviting others to voluntary mediation or facilitation.
  • Preparing for or debriefing critical conversations.
  • Strategizing or untangling issues.
  • Facilitating team training, skill building, or workshops