Welcome to the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning
A hub of excellence in teaching and learning
We cultivate great teaching by fostering communities of inquiry, practice and scholarship to impact student success by:
- promoting research-based best practices;
- providing consultations on the programmatic, curricular, course, and individual level;
- advancing university initiatives in student learning;
- supporting courses designed for student success; and
- inspiring, invigorating, and empowering faculty dedicated to the success of their students.
Work With Us
We provide customized consultations on teaching and learning for individual instructors, small groups, departments, and colleges within the University of Cincinnati. We directly support community-building through the support of interdisciplinary Faculty Learning Communities dedicated to furthering member engagement in the University's teaching mission. Our FLCs provide faculty with safe spaces to approach teaching and learning theory, contemporary scholarship, and member practice in support of stronger teaching and learning. Calls for applications to FLC's are sent via email to faculty before the second week of classes in a given semester. CET&L provides interactive workshops and programming open to all members of UC’s teaching community.
If you are not a part of the University of Cincinnati and would like to contact us, please email cetl@uc.edu with a detailed message.
If you are a part of the University of Cincinnati faculty and staff, please visit our Bearcats Landing page via the button below.
Workshops, Tutorials, and Events
View our full list of upcoming workshops, including chances to connect with other instructors and support in using new technology by visiting the Faculty Development OneStop button below. Please note that these events are only open to those who are members of the University of Cincinnati community.
Graduate Student Teaching Resources
CET&L supports all members of UC’s teaching community including graduate students who are instructors of record, Teaching Assistants (TAs), and those who are interested in teaching and may pursue a career in academia. All graduate students are welcome to register and attend any CET&L workshop. The Graduate Student Teaching Resources Canvas site is also available to all graduate students and includes resources relevant to graduate students such as getting started as a TA, strategies to support student success, and using Canvas. Graduate student TAs and instructors of record also have access to the CET&L’s Bearcats Landing site which includes resources on a variety of teaching related topics.