Know Yourself

In terms of career development, getting to know yourself simply means identifying your values, interests, strengths, traits, and ambitions. These play an important role in your career choice.

Career and personality self-assessments allow you to begin to answer some of these questions and reflect on what they mean to you and how they relate to your career goals.

The Bearcat Promise Career Studio offers the following structured self-assessments free to current UC students. After taking the assessment, you’ll meet with a career coach to interpret the results.

Self-Assessments Offered by the Bearcat Promise Career Studio


What Does It Cost?

How It's Useful

How to Take It

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)


An introspective questionnaire designed to indicate your preferences and how you perceive the world around you to make decisions or act.

A description of who you are and why you do things the way you do.

Make an appointment with your career coach and ask to complete the assessment.

Strong Interest Inventory


Insight into your personal interests in relation to potential careers, educational paths, and the world of work.

A look at what motivates people in different fields of work and how your interests align with theirs.

Make an appointment with your career coach and ask to complete the assessment.

More Ways to Explore

More ways to learn about your values, skills, and personality: