
GSG Internal Committees

GSG's internal committees works to facilitate various awards, to plan events, and work on GSG's initiatives. While most of these committees are represented by gradaute students alone, some have faculty, staff and adminstrators as well.

This committee will consider applications for the Excellence Awards, and judge between applicants to decide who gets the award. By serving on this committee, you get to judge who is worthy of the prestigious awards we give out

This committee will evaluate all the Group Grant applications that come in throughout the year, in eight cycles. They will decide which applicants shall be funded, and how much they shall be funded.Starting Summer 2020, the group grant committee will also review applications for Graduate Community Grant.

This committee will go through and evaluate the applications for the Research Fellowship. They will judge between applicants and decide which applications shall receive the award.

This committee complies data and drafts report to make recommendations on stipends paid to graduate students across various colleges.

This committee will be the primary group planning and organizing the Spring Ball. The committee will start planning for the event starting in December, recruit more volunteers, and organize the event in late March/April. The committee will oversee all aspects related to the Spring Ball - from the theme of the event, to marketing, to programming, right down to logistics on the day of the event

This committee will assist the Campus Ambassador with brainstorming, planning, and organizing GSG events throughout the year. 

These events can include Dean & Dine, GSG's Halloween Social, Friendsgiving Dinner, Grad Cafe, and others. 

This committee works to better understand how the current Professional Development (PD) programs or structure can be changed/improved for graduate students at University of Cincinnati. This group will collect data on PD programs in other peer institution, conduct survey within UC if needed and finally make recommendations to Dean of the Graduate School and the Provost. The committee is currently chaired by the GSG President

The 2020-2021 committee's consolidated Professional Development Report contains key findgings and recommendations is now available.

This committee works towards intiatives and events that help promote gradaute student mental health.

This committee evaluates applications for the University's PMGSE award, and is comprised of gradaute students, faculty and administrators. The Presidential Medal of Graduate Student Excellence is a prestigious honor rewarded by the University President and is open to Masters and Doctoral students.

GSG External Committees

GSG Executive Board sits on various university committees. Below is a list of a few committees where Graduate Student Government represents graduate students at university committees.

The Fiscal Coordinating Committee (FCC) acts as an advisory to the Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance. It is charged with facilitating integrated decisions around fiscal planning and priorities.  Participatory task forces (e.g., Performance-Based Budget team) convene and report to FCC, which interfaces with the Academic Operations Committee (AOC).

Consider matters pertaining to the policy of the Graduate School and present recommendations to the graduate faculty. Through the Dean of the Graduate School, enforce the rules and regulations of the graduate faculty. Propose and consider measures and policies for the improvement of graduate education. Assist the Dean of the Graduate School, as needed, with issues of discipline and in deciding on petitions of the students and staff. Evaluate new graduate programs and recommend approval or disapproval to the graduate faculty.

SACUB participates in the University budget planning process as the representative student committee. This involvement includes informal consultation, recommendations and appropriate reviews.

The IT Council is the university-wide governance body for IT at University of Cincinnati

Group of students who will provide recommendations and input to health and wellness services and resources on campus, including CAPS, University Health Services, and the Student Wellness Center.

The Advisory Committee for Parking has general responsibility for contributing feedback on recommendations presented on various policies, regulations, planning and solutions for parking facilities; and shall serve as the voice of the parking customer for all campuses.