About us

The Graduate Student Government (GSG) is run by graduate students, for graduate students. It serves as the executive board for the Graduate Student Assembly, which is comprised of representatives from each Graduate Student Association. 

The Graduate Student Government

  • acts as a liaison between the University administration and the Graduate student body;
  • serves the needs of Bearcats and enhances the student experience at the University of Cincinnati;
  • strives to make the graduate student experience as beneficialas possible to students and the University;
  • advocates on behalf of the graduate student population;
  • promotes research and educational goals beyond what is merely required for a degree;
  • establishes bonds between graduate students and other university populations;

Leading the GSG are the four members of the executive board, who develop initiatives, work with university leadership on a variety of issues and represent graduate student interests at UC. 

The GSG is the governing body of all academic-based Graduate Student Associations (or “groups”) at UC. All graduate students in UC are automatically members of their corresponding GSAs depending on their area of study.Replace with your text

There are 40 different GSAs registered under the GSG. All GSAs must register with both the GSG and with Center for Student Involvement (CSI). There can only be one graduate group per program registered. Several programs may be combined under one GSA.

GSG registration helps secure funding for GSAs (Group Budget Awards and Group Grant Awards) and their graduate student constituents (Student Awards). GSAs can create programs for their students using these funds.

Each GSA must send a representative/officer to attend the monthly GSG General Assembly meetings in order to maintain its membership in the GSG. 

The list of Graduate Student Associations registered with the GSG for the year 2023-2024 will be available on the website after the CSI registration deadline.

GSG General Assembly

The GSG Executive body convenes a meeting of all GSG officers and individual GSA representatives on the last Wednesday of every month from August - April. 

This GSG General Assembly is a great opportunity for GSG officers to share information and to discuss the issues and initiatives of the graduate student community here at UC. The GSG budget approval and other important agenda items are also discussed in these meetings. Any concerns or issues being faced by graduate students can be brought to the attention of the GSG Officers.

To attend the GSG General Assembly please contact the GSG Executive board or the GSG Member group officers.

The GSG plays a huge role in the decision making process regarding policies and procedures that affect graduate student life. The GSG Executive Board along with various Committee Representatives from each GSA serve on various University Wide Committees throughout the year.