Contact Us

If you are reporting an absence or need information regarding your hours, please email

If you have a question about your Federal Work Study Award, please email Judy Reynolds at

Van 1: 513-910-8541

Van 2: 513-910-8284

Lead Tutors should use these numbers to contact a driver in the event that a van is not on time. Please check your session and call the corresponding van (please avoid texting to ensure safety of our drivers).

*Please call this number before contacting the CCE main office or a Bearcat Buddies staff member. 


This student-led feedback form is intended for student peer tutors to express any questions, comments, or feedback for our student Bearcat Buddies Leadership Team. Feel free to leave your input regarding the program (tutoring, operations, transporting, communication, etc). *Note this is not a form for feedback to the schools directly.

Form responses will be checked weekly on Mondays and will be responded to within 24-48 hours of review. Goals of this initiative include serving tutors' needs more effectively, increasing communication, and ensuring all students are in a comfortable environment.


Bearcat Buddies has created an alumni network on LinkedIn! Join the Bearcat Buddies Alumni Network now and share how participating in Bearcat Buddies impacted your experience at UC!