Graduate Student Support
All UC graduate students can utilize the Academic Writing Center (AWC) for writing assistance regarding their coursework and final writing experiences. Schedule an appointment with a graduate writing tutor today to improve your documents and understanding of the graduate writing process.
Tues., Feb. 11 – 4:00-6:00 – The Style of Graduate Writing – Clifton Court 2270
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 883 0022 2911
Passcode: 409126
In this writing workshop meant for graduate students from any discipline, attendees will develop a clearer understanding of the defining features of graduate-level writing. The workshop will engage with concepts such as structure, clarity, cohesion, voice, tone, and more. Attendees will learn strategies to develop their writing skills related to these concepts.
Thurs., Feb. 27 – 1:00 – 3:00 – Respond to the Call: Writing Proposals and Abstracts – Clifton Court Hall 2230
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 824 7220 4235
Passcode: 503125
In this writing workshop meant for graduate students from any discipline, attendees will develop a clearer understanding of writing proposals and abstracts in response to calls for papers/proposals (CFPs). Attendees will gain experience searching for CFPs, understanding the contents of a CFP, and developing a strong proposal in response. The workshop will also address how to write an abstract, and attendees will work on writing abstracts of their own work.
Wed., March 12 – 1:30 – 3:30 – Writing a Literature Review – Clifton Court Hall 2101
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 856 2790 5060
Passcode: 523600
In this writing workshop meant for graduate students from every discipline, attendees will develop a clearer understanding of what a literature review is and how to write one. The workshop will cover strategies for locating and organizing research, summarizing and synthesizing scholarship, establishing one's specific claim in relation to others’ scholarship, and structuring the literature review. Attendees will have time to work on a literature review of their own during the session.
Wed., March 26 – 10:00-12:00 – Send it Out!: Scholarly Publication for Beginners – Clifton Court Hall 4280
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 860 2722 5438
Passcode: 678623
In this writing workshop meant for graduate students from every discipline, attendees will develop a clearer understanding of the steps to publishing scholarly work. This workshop will demystify: finding the right publication venue (journal, edited collection, etc.), communicating with editors, readying one's writing for submission, and the steps and general timeline of the publication process. Attendees will be given time during the workshop to develop a plan for publishing their work.
Tues., April 1 – 9:45 – 11:45 - Revising Your Writing – Langsam Library 462
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 817 6282 1869
Passcode: 023932
In this writing workshop meant for graduate students from every discipline, attendees will develop a clearer understanding of what revision is and its importance for writing at a graduate level and beyond. Attendees will be introduced to different revision approaches. We will also discuss topics such as revising toward submitting for publication and working with reviewer feedback during revision.