Awareness Library

Welcome to our Cybersecurity Awareness Library! Here, you can can explore a  information and materials on various cybersecurity topics. It also includes printable content on a range of topics, along with links to dedicated pages for more in-depth exploration of specific areas such as phishing, insider threats, and digital student safety. 

Credit card phishing. Piles of credit cards with a fish hook on computer keyboard. Credit card phishing scam with credit card in fishing hook


Explore our Phishing page to learn more about what phishing is, how to recognize and avoid it, and gain insights from the Phish Bowl, featuring real-life examples.


New notification arrived on the smartphone. Notification concept.


Discover essential strategies to recognize and protect yourself from smishing, a deceptive form of SMS phishing. Learn more about identifying threats and safeguarding your information on our dedicated page.

house key in the door

Travel & Cybersecurity

Discover essential cybersecurity tips for safe travel, including how to protect your devices and data when you're on the move. Learn practical strategies for securing your digital information wherever you go.

Picture of flashlight on single red human figure among blue ones, to illustrate insider threat.

Insider Threat

Explore our Insider Threat page for insights into recognizing and preventing internal security risks. Learn how to identify potential threats and protect sensitive information effectively.

  1. Use Strong, Unique Passwords: Create long, complex passwords for each account and consider using a password manager.
  2. Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Add a second form of verification to secure your accounts.
  3. Be Cautious with Emails: Verify the sender's email address and avoid clicking on suspicious links or attachments.
  4. Regularly Update Software: Keep your operating system and applications up to date to protect against vulnerabilities.
  5. Secure Personal Devices: Use strong passwords or biometric authentication and install antivirus software.
  6. Be Wary of Public Wi-Fi: Avoid accessing sensitive information over public Wi-Fi networks; use a VPN if necessary.
  7. Backup Important Data: Regularly back up data to an external drive or cloud service.
  8. Educate Yourself and Others: Stay informed about cybersecurity threats and participate in training sessions.
  9. Report Suspicious Activity: Report any suspicious emails or activity to the OIS team at or other appropriate entity.
  10. Secure Your Workspace: Lock your computer when away from your desk and store sensitive documents securely.
  1. Use a Decoy Email Account: Create a separate email account for non-essential sign-ups and subscriptions to keep your primary email secure and reduce phishing risks.
  2. Beware of "Shoulder Surfing": Be mindful of your surroundings and shield your screen when entering sensitive information in public places.
  3. Password-Protect Files: Add an extra layer of security by password-protecting sensitive files and documents.
  4. Check URLs Carefully: Hover over links to verify they lead to legitimate websites and watch for misspellings or unusual domain extensions.
  5. Limit Social Media Sharing: Avoid sharing personal information on social media to prevent cybercriminals from using details for social engineering attacks.
  6. Regularly Review App Permissions: Periodically review and revoke excessive permissions for apps on your devices.

Printable Tip Sheets

External Awareness Resources

These external resources are great starting points for enhancing cybersecurity awareness and skills. Stay informed, stay secure!