Raghib Shahid

Raghib Shahid, a fourth-year student at the University of Cincinnati, is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Architecture alongside an Urban Design Undergraduate Certificate. His journey began at the university as a Cincinnatus Scholar, and since then, he has actively shaped his undergraduate experience through various leadership roles. Notably, he served as President of the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) for multiple semesters, where he spearheaded initiatives aimed at career development, including organizing the annual DAAP Works, and contributed to community projects such as establishing a mobile unit for the Play Library NGO.

Driven by a passion for the humanitarian applications of architecture, Raghib has collaborated with organizations like Humanity First and Resilient Communities, along with fellow DAAP students and faculty, to provide design solutions to areas impacted by disasters. Recently, he led design charrettes in Hawaii and Morocco in response to their respective wildfire and earthquake crises.

As a proud Ahmadi Muslim, Raghib leverages his architectural expertise to support Islamic communities. He is currently involved in designing space planning solutions for the Hadee Mosque in Harrisburg, PA, and has delivered presentations to the International Association of Ahmadi Architects and Engineers (IAAAE).

Beyond his architectural pursuits, Raghib actively serves his Islamic community as a local leader for men, overseeing event planning and moral training initiatives. He has also played a key role in coordinating nationwide events for Ahmadi Muslims, such as the US National Ijtema, a three-day spiritual camp focused on religious knowledge and fellowship.
