Title IX
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in the university's programs and activities. Sexual harassment, including sexual violence, and retaliation are forms of discrimination prohibited by Title IX.
Notice of Proposed Amendments, 2022
The U.S. Department of Education released proposed amendments to Title IX on June 23, 2022 – the 50th anniversary of the federal education law that prohibits sex-based discrimination. The 2020 Title IX regulations remain in effect while the federal rulemaking process is underway. The proposed amendments do not carry the force and effect of law and do not change any University of Cincinnati policy, process, or procedure related to sexual misconduct.
The proposed amendments are available in the Department of Education's Federal Register Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. Members of the public have the opportunity to provide comments and can do so via Regulations.gov. In addition, the Department of Education has released a fact sheet and a summary of the major provisions of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
Title IX protects every student’s right to educational programs and activities free from sex discrimination including sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, dating violence, and domestic violence. UC’s Office of Gender Equity & Inclusion (“OGEI”) coordinates the University’s comprehensive response to incidents of sex discrimination. Individuals can make a report and/or seek guidance from the University’s Title IX Coordinator and OGEI staff by email, phone, online, or in person.
Title IX Coordinator – Dr. Adrienne Lyles
Office: 308 USquare, 225 Calhoun St.
Phone: (513) 556-3349
Email: ogei@uc.edu
Statement from Vice President Bleuzette Marshall on 2020 Regulations
On May 6, the U.S. Department of Education released new Title IX regulations for addressing sexual harassment. As we have sought to ensure institutional compliance with these regulations, our values of innovation, inclusion and impact served as our guideposts in creating a Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and its provisions of a fair process for all parties involved.
The link is now available for our new University Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and its complaint resolution procedures.
This Policy builds on and shall operate congruently with our strong, existing grievance processes; it provides a clear, equitable, and effective framework for addressing allegations of Title IX sexual harassment. Of note, this Policy continues our practice of utilizing the preponderance of the evidence standard of proof in the Title IX grievance process and assures due process for all persons participating in the investigation and adjudication of grievances.
While the regulations mandate changes in some of our procedures, our institutional expectations for equity and conduct have not changed. As we have historically, the University shall continue to prohibit discrimination and harassment. Alleged sexual misconduct that falls outside the jurisdiction of this Policy will continue to be addressed under our current policies and procedures, including University codes of conduct, human resource policies, and applicable collective bargaining agreements.
UC remains committed to ensuring a welcoming, inclusive and supportive environment, where all members of our community treat each other with dignity and respect.
Title IX Coordinator
The university has designated the following individual to coordinate compliance with Title IX and handle inquiries regarding the university's policies that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex:
Adrienne Lyles, PhD, JD
Executive Director/Title IX Coordinator, Office of Gender Equity & Inclusion
308 USquare, 225 Calhoun St., Cincinnati, OH 45221-0158