What is vaping?
Vaping is the act of inhaling an aerosol. A lot of people think vaping is just flavored water being heated up, but it’s actually an aerosol which has more or less 31 chemicals in it. Aerosols are liquid droplets and for vapes they contain many chemicals that are used to give it specific effects.
Here are commonly used chemicals found in vape juice. All of these can take a huge toll on your bodies and brains.
Nicotine- effects brain and body growth, highly addictive
Propylene Glycol- chemical used in antifreeze
Carcinogens- chemicals known to cause cancer
Acrolein- used to kill weeds, known to cause lung damage
Diacetyl- chemical known to cause popcorn lung
Metals- tin, lead, nickel, copper, zinc, titanium
Formaldehyde- chemical sued in the preservation of deceased remains
Arsenic- poisonous chemical, know to cause skin lesions
Tips for Quitting
Imagine what success looks and feels like
Ask friends for support
Make a withdrawal plan
Change your routine
Hold yourself accountable
Reward yourself when you reach milestones
Don’t give up if you slip up once
Keep track of your winning streak
Take it one day at a time
Side effects of vaping on the body