UC staff have elected their 2021-23 Staff Senators
Join us in congratulating the 2021-23 new Staff Senate members! Elections were held in early May, and new senators will begin their two-year term in July 2021. All UC staff are encouraged to be part of the enthusiasm and excitement for our new senators by attending the Staff Senate online meeting via WebEx, June 30, 9-11 a.m.
“I want to extend my congratulations to all incoming Senators! It is an exciting and important time to represent the voice of all UC Staff," says Heidi Pettyjohn, Executive Director and Chair-Elect 2020-2021 of Staff Senate.
Newly Elected Staff Senators
We are pleased to welcome 36 new senators recognized below.
Senator Term 2021-2023
Division- Athletics
Jussara Melo Athletics Business Office
Division- Equity, Inclusion & Community Impact
Tracey Johnson Equal Opportunity & Access
Division- Office of Public Safety Division
Qasim McCreagh Public Safety Tech Service
Division- Office of Research Division
Jenny Olmes-Stevens Research Accounting
Division- Administration & Finance
Lindsey Ford A&F HR Benefits
Jacqueline McIntosh A&F Business Core Services
Ashley San Diego A&F HR Wellness
Division- Senior VP for Academic Affairs & Provost
Daniel Cummins SA Dean of Students
Brandi Elliott SA Ethnic Programs and Services
Brandon Elliott SA Gen 1 Theme House
Karlethia James IT@UC Business Affairs
Hannah Ko CEAS Marketing & Communication
James Larkin CEAS Facilities
Yvonne Parker EM One Stop Center
Byron Walton UCBA Institutional Research
Tiffiany Wilson IT@UC Information Security
Division- Senior VP for Health Affairs
Daniel Brummett COM Operations and Finance
Leanna Chasteen COM Operations and Finance
Benjamin Flodder COM Operations and Finance
Margaret O'Leary Hoxworth Research
Brandie Wagoner COM Operations and Finance
Eva Whitehead COM IM INF ACTG
Elected one-year term Provost vacancy
Kaitlyn Johnson CECH Business Office
Elected one-year term A&F vacancy
Jamie Miller A&F University Conferencing
At-large Senator Term 2021-2023
At Large UC Blue Ash
Josh Monson UCBA Student Life
At Large A&S
Daniel Hagedorn A&S Advising
At Large
Cathy Barnes A&F Campus Services Marketing
Batsheva Guy CEAS Incl Excellence & Comm Engagmnt
Hal Jankowski UC Online
Stephanie Keith CAHS School of Social Work
Susana Luzuriaga Voight Acad Aff Institutional Research
Nick Paddock International Admissions
Emily Rawers CEAS Enrollment Management
Pia Washington Public Safety Emergency Mgmt
Katie Wellman CEAS Personnel Management
Hannah Williamson Acad Aff Learning Commons
Staff Senate Committees
Currently there are five standing committees in order to conduct staff senate business more efficiently. New senate members will serve on one of the committees and will meet in the interim between formal staff senate meetings.
- Membership and Elections Committee: will execute the staff senate election process as outlined by the governance committee, provide the staff senate with nominees for open positions on standing committees and develop the new member orientation and training program.
- Budget and Human Resource Committee: will support the strategic direction of the university with an emphasis on the staff experience, and in doing so may consider all financial, planning, human resource, and economic welfare matters affecting the university to ensure a supportive environment that will provide personal and professional growth opportunities for university staff in collaboration with the offices for finance and human resources.
- Information Technology Committee: will consider and represent staff views on all significant information technology initiatives, issues, and policies that impact the university; create and maintain the staff senate website and electronic voting systems; offer technology consultation and training for staff; and consider all information technology matters brought to its attention by the staff senate or the university administration in collaboration with the University of Cincinnati Office of Information Technology.
- Communication and Recognition Committee: will organize and coordinate outreach and community engagement activities, staff recognition functions, public and special events; performs responsibilities related to communications of the staff senate, including the distribution of publicity and information relating to the staff senate; and considers all outreach and communication matters brought to its attention by the staff senate or the university administration.
- Governance Committee: will annually review the bylaws and propose amendments; determine membership, nomination, and election procedures for senators with final approval by the senate cabinet; annually review the number of staff senate representatives and reapportion the area representation as needed based on information received from University of Cincinnati Human Resources; monitor governance policies and practices to ensure effective staff involvement in university decision making; and consider all governance matters brought to its attention by the staff senate or the university administration.
More about Staff Senate
- Learn more on the UC Staff Senate site on Bearcats Landing.
- Discuss any feedback or questions you’d like addressed by Staff Senate during our weekly online office hours.
- Anyone may submit ideas and feedback via the online suggestion and proposal form or email staffsenate@ucmail.uc.edu.
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