Popular social media apps are collecting your photos and posts to train AI programming

Social media expert Jeffrey Blevins tells Local 12 that privacy as we knew it is over

Did you read the fine print when you opened a social media account? Likely not, says Jeffrey Blevins, professor of journalism and political science at the University of Cincinnati. 

"We are all presented with the terms of service before we use these platforms. We just scroll through and click 'I agree.' Who knows what we signed away in that process?” Blevins told Local 12 in a segment on how social media platforms cull personal data from your social media accounts.

The plane has already left...

Jeffrey Blevins UC social media expert

Jeffrey Blevins, PhD,
Professor, Dept. of Journalism and School of Public and International Affairs

UC social media expert Jeffrey Blevins, professor of journalism and political science. Photo/Andrew Higley/UC Marketing + Brand.

For example, if you use META platforms such as Facebook and Instagram there is a long list of information, including your birthdate and social security number, that the platform has acquired and can keep, the segment states.

"The plane has already left, you know? It has departed the airport, and it isn't coming back," said Blevins.

While millions of Facebook users have accepted this loss of privacy, that's not the case everywhere in the world.  Europeans, for instance, have more laws that protect their personal information.

Watch the Local 12 interview.

Featured image at top: iStock/Victolillo. 

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October 21, 2022

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