Participate in Clermont College's Make a Difference Day

In conjunction with Make a Difference Day, UC Clermont College will conduct a drive from Oct. 20 until Nov. 7 to collect winter safety items to distribute to seniors in our area. These seniors, who are on fixed incomes, can’t afford to purchase personal care items or cleaning supplies, much less prepare a home safety kit. The items that are most needed include:

  • Food: Canned tuna, chicken and meat spreads, crackers, packaged fruit, puddings, gelatin, peanut butter, bottled water, can openers
  • Emergency and household items: small flashlight with extra batteries, small first aid kit, whistles, garbage bags, small bottles of chlorine bleach, matches, paper cups, plates, towels, and plastic utensils, small notebooks, pen, paper, word-find books
  • Personal care items: hand sanitizer, tissues and toilet paper
    Watch for donation boxes around campus, or contact Barbara Wallace (732-5279) or Austin Watts (558-5441).

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