Think Pink Raises $100,000 for Breast Cancer Research
The 2003 Think Pink luncheon, the kick-off to Saks Fifth Avenue's Key to the Cure shopping weekend in Cincinnati, raised approximately $100,000 for cancer research at the UC Cancer Programs/The Barrett Cancer Center. The September 17 event was sold out with 720 guests.
In addition to the money raised during the luncheon, two percent of all sales at Saks Fifth Avenue between September 17-20 will be donated to the Barrett Cancer Center. The final donation total will be announced in January 2004.
Contributions from this year's luncheon and Saks donation will be used for start-up projects to determine why breast cancer rates are so high in the Tristate area. Researchers will work to develop biological insights that will allow for the development of new and innovative treatments. Additional research into early breast cancer detection methods will also be funded.
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