About TUC

Tangeman University Center (TUC) is one of UC’s oldest buildings. Since its conception in 1932 by University President, Raymond Walters, it has since been a centerpiece of UC. Funded by a municipal bond issue from the city of Cincinnati, which then administered the university, and a grant from the public works administration, the $665,000 project finished construction in 1937. Designed by Harry Hake, the building stood as a statement of patriotism, marking an intentional drift away from European-inspired beaux style buildings.

Role of the College Union

The college union advances a sense of community, unifying the institution by embracing the diversity of students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests. We bolster the educational mission of the institution and the development of students as lifelong learners by delivering an array of cultural, educational, social, and recreational programs, services, and facilities.  

By any form or name, we serve as the heart of the campus community and create a welcoming environment by:  

  • Operating as a student-centered organization that engages in shared decision making and holistic development through employment and involvement.  
  • Advocating for inclusivity and equity, fostering respect, and affirming the identities of all individuals. 
  • Educating students in leadership and social responsibility and offering firsthand experiences in global citizenship. 
  • Providing gathering spaces to encourage formal and informal community interactions that build meaningful relationships.  

Traditionally considered the living room, the college union enhances the student experience and cultivates an enduring connection to the institution.

The facade of Tangeman University Center fall 2022