International media celebrate anniversary of moon landing

After walking on the moon, Neil Armstrong taught aerospace engineering at UC

Media from around the world paused on Saturday, July 20, to recognize the 50th anniversary of one of the most significant moments in history — when Neil Armstrong, perhaps UC's most famous faculty member ever, walked on the moon.

Among the coverage, surfaced a 25-minute press conference with Armstrong at UC in 1971 after the Wapakoneta, Ohio, native accepted an offer to teach at UC.

The New York Times created an incredible interactive piece based on the Apollo 11 mission.

Cincinnati Magazine spoke with Armstrong's son Mark who was just 6 when his father blasted off from Cape Canaveral during the Apollo 11 mission. The professor, who passed away in 2012, had a competitive streak, down to friendly games of faculty euchre.

"Yeah, that was Dad," Mark Armstrong told the magazine. "He was very competitive in a good-natured way. We played golf for years, and when I finally got the better of him, he was fine with it. But do not try to beat him in horseshoes."

Armstrong's students remembered him fondly, saying he shared his enthusiasm for aviation. While at UC, he pursued his love of test piloting by setting new aviation records in a private jet.

UC graduate Mark Stear said while studying some technical aspect of aerospace engineering, he would forget for a second who was leading the lecture. Then he would look down at Armstrong's feet and remember where they had been.

Featured image at top: UC's Rhodes Hall has a tribute to Neil Armstrong in its lobby. The bas-relief shows Neil Armstrong folding a paper airplane during a class exercise. Photo/Colleen Kelley/UC Creative Services 

Neil Armstrong stands at a chalkboard.

The late University of Cincinnati professor Neil Armstrong gives a lecture to aerospace engineering students. Photo/UC Creative Services

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