Translation of Part of a Syriac Charm Text

The holy gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, the message of John. In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God. And God was with the Word. This (then) was with God in the beginning. Everything was by his hand. And without him not one thing came to be (of any sort) that came to be. 

Through him life came to be and life was the light of humankind. The light shone in the darkness. And the darkness did not overtake it. By the power of these ten sayings glorious Godhead.

By the name I am that I am, El Shaddai, Adonai,  Lord of Hosts. I bind and I repel , and I remove all pains and diseases and the evil and covetous eye. And fear and terror and trembling. And every kind of fright. And dehydrating heat-sicknesses and all sicknesses and all pains and all illnesses and the hot and cold fever and throbbing of the head and splitting and the "spirit of the heart." And the "spirit of the bone" from the body and from the members of the bearer of this writing. Amen.

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