Kudos for McMicken

*Recent UC graduate

Eric Blask

, who earned a master in arts for teachers of mathematics (MAT) was one of 22 teachers nationwide honored by the Mathematical Association of America with the 2007 Edyth May Sliffle Award for Distinguished High Scholl Mathematics Teaching. The honor is named for Edyth May Sliffe, who taught at Emery High School in Emeryville, Calif., until her retirement in 1962. Sliffle realized that many talented and dedicated mathematics teachers are responsible for their school's consistently high scores in mathematics competitions.

*The publication "Employee Resistance to Organizational Change: Managerial Influence Tactics and Leader-Member Exchange," by assistant professor

Stacie A. Furst

, Center for Organizational Leadership, has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Applied Psychology.


Kathryn Gutzwiller

, Classics, published a book titled "A Guide to Hellenistic Literature" (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing) in April 2007. The work is a survey of the Greek literature written in the period between the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C. and Augustus' defeat of Antony and Cleopatra in 31 B.C.


George F. Hofmann

, adjunct associate professor of history, has been awarded the LTG Richard G. Trefry Award by the Army Historical Foundation (AHF), honoring his contribution to army history in the book "Through Mobility We Conquer: The Mechanization of U.S. Cavalry." The Trefry Award is presented through the AHF Distinguished Writing Awards program, established in 1997 to recognize authors who make a significant contribution to the literature on U.S. Army history. United States Army veteran Hofmann examines the evolution of armor in the U.S. Army and the assimilation of cavalry into the armored force.


David Maume

, professor of sociology and director, Kunz Center for the Study of Work & Family, has edited four books this year with Barbara Arrighi. The works (New York: Praeger Press) are: "Families and Children, Volume 1 of Child Poverty in America Today," "Health and Medical Care, Volume 2 of Child Poverty in America Today," "The Promise of Education, Volume 3 of Child Poverty in America Today," and "Children and the State, Volume 4 of Child Poverty in America Today."


Leland Person

, professor of English and interim associate dean for graduate affairs, published two books earlier this year: "A Historical Guide to James Fenimore Cooper," (New York: Oxford University Press) and "The Cambridge Introduction to Nathaniel Hawthorne" (New York: Cambridge University Press).

*Anthropology department head

Martha Woodson Rees

traveled to Universidad de las Americas, Puebla, Mexico, in June to present a talk titled "Resource Citizenship: Women and Land in Mexico." The talk was part of a weeklong session on Gender(ed) Citizenships in a North American Context for the Summer Institute on Women's Human Rights, Citizenships, and Identities in a North American Context.

*UC alumna and adjunct

Deana Taylor

, Center for Organizational Leadership, has been appointed to serve as college relations chair for the board of the Greater Cincinnati Human Resources Association. She is responsible for coordinating presenters and speakers to all area universities with Human Resources programs. Her committee also organizes the student meeting and silent auction held in February and the HR Games. Taylor, director of human resources for Lighthouse Youth Services, says one draw for accepting the position was the chance to improve networking and affiliations for MALER students and human resources professionals.


Judith Trent

, communication, co-authored the sixth edition of "Political Campaign Communication: Principles and Practices." The book, published in July by Rowman & Littlefield, was co-written by Robert V. Friedenberg, Department of Communication, Miami University.


Joel Warm

, Psychology, has been appointed to the National Academy National Research Council Committee on Soldiering. This committee, composed of some of the most distinguished figures in the human factors field, oversees and evaluates work at the Army's largest human factors research facility, the Army Research Laboratory in Aberdeen, Md.

*Two lab students working with professor

George Uetz

won awards at the recent American Arachnological Society National Meetings at Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, Penn.

Emily Galbraith

won Best Student Poster for "Investigation of decision-making and transitivity of preferences in female choice of Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz)(Araneae: Lycosidae)."

Julianna Johns

won Best Student Paper for "Once bitten, twice shy? Aggressive male mating behavior and fang use in the brush-legged wolf spider Schizocosa, ocreata."

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