Commencement by the Numbers

The University of Cincinnati celebrates All-University Commencement during two ceremonies on Saturday, June 14, at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. in Fifth Third Arena. The Doctoral Hooding and Master’s Recognition Ceremony will be held at 1:30 p.m., Friday, June 13, at Fifth Third Arena at Shoemaker Center. The processional begins at 1 p.m.

This spring, UC will graduate 4,555 students, the highest number of spring graduates in 20 years, and award 4,617 degrees including

  • 537 associate degrees
  • 2,511 bachelor's degrees
  • 1,036 master's degrees
  • 533 doctoral degrees

273 degrees will be awarded cum laude (representing a grade-point-average between 3.60 and 3.7499)

230 degrees will be awarded magna cum laude (GPA between 3.75 and 3.8999)

122 degrees will be awarded summa cum laude (GPA between 3.9 and 4.0)

The average age of the UC spring graduate is 27. The age of the youngest graduates is 19. The oldest graduate, age 63, is earning a doctoral degree. Thirteen graduates are also celebrating their birthday at graduation.

Number of women earning degrees: 2,562 (56.2 percent)
Number of men earning degrees: 1,993 (43.8 percent)

13.1 percent of the graduates reflect a minority group (African-American, Asian, Hispanic and American Indian)

8.2 percent of the graduates are African-American

UC’s graduating spring class represents 62 countries and 47 states including the District of Columbia.

Source: UC Office of Institutional Research

UC Commencement Web Site

Commencement News

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