UC Events Celebrate Black History Month
Film screenings, panel discussions and musical performances are among the lineup of events planned at the University of Cincinnati through February in celebration of Black History Month.
Black History Month was officially recognized by the U.S. government 40 years ago in honor of African-Americans' contributions to society. The monthlong tribute was inspired by historian Carter G. Woodson's Negro History Week, an idea conceived in February 1925 and first celebrated a year later.
The spirit of Black History Month is reflected in UC's commitment to diversity. UC embraces
as core values that empower individuals to transform their lives and achieve their highest potential.
Many of UCs Black History Month events are free and open to the public. Heres a look at the schedule:
Academic Health Center Speaker Series - Diversity and Inclusion: Education, Collaboration and Transformation
Noon to 1 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 3, Rieveschl Auditorium, Vontz Center
Unhealthy Attitudes in Healthcare: The Epidemic of Cultural Incompetence and Unconscious Bias, presented by Tommie Lewis, president and CEO of Make It Plain Consulting.
Contact: Kelly Lyle at 513-558-7424 or kelly.lyle@uc.edu
Foundations of Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice Workshop
8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Saturday, Feb. 6, AARC
Workshop facilitated by social justice educator, Kathy Obear. Workshop highlights are learning and practicing concepts, tools and skills to create greater inclusion on campus. Coffee, bagels, and fruit will be served at 8 a.m., followed by the program at 8:30 a.m. Lunch will be provided.
is request. The training is co-sponsored by FYE, SALD, RED, LAC, LGBTQ Center and the AACRC.
Contact: 513-556-1177
UBSA Black Love Week
Feb. 8-12, campus-wide
Black Love Week is a weeklong of series of programs in which the United Black Student Association sponsors activities and events featuring various expressions of love from a black perspective. Through various creative expressions, the UC community uses this week as a way of encouraging each other, other students, faculty, staff and the Cincinnati community to demonstrate, receive and participate in various displays of black love.
Black is Beautiful
5:30-7 p.m., Monday, Feb. 8, AACRC
A mixture of student, faculty and staff facilitators of UBSAs Black Is Beautiful program will guide energizing dialogues that encourage the audience to have more appreciation for all black people, as well as love for themselves.
Contact: 513-556-1177
BGPSA National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
7:30 p.m., Monday, Feb. 8, UC Main Street Cinema
BGPSA will host an awareness day with the screening of the movie Life Support. The film is followed by a panel discussion and an open discussion with audience participation. The program is co-sponsored with University Health Services and Student Wellness Center. For more detailed information please visit the
Fatal Attractions
5-6 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 9, 716 Swift Hall
UBSA joins the UC Women's Center to present facts on abuse, physical and verbal fighting and how to recognize the early and progressive signs that could lead to serious injury and/or fatality. Mature content presented. Only UC students, staff and faculty and adult community audiences permitted.
Academic Health Center Speaker Series - Diversity and Inclusion: Education, Collaboration and Transformation
Noon 1 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 10, Rieveschl Auditorium, Vontz Center
"Strategic Diversity Leadership: Strategies and Imperatives for Academic Health Centers," presented by Damon A. Williams, UCs senior vice president and chief education officer, and the Boys and Girls Clubs of America.
Contact: Kelly Lyle at 513-558-7424 or kelly.lyle@uc.edu
AACRC Choir Black Love Concert
5-6 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 10, AACRC
In celebration of UBSAs Black Love Week and Valentine's Day, the AACRC Choir will present a musical concert featuring a variety of expressions of love. Songs ranging from popular R&B music, featured spoken word artists and love poems will be performed. Valentine's Day candy and cups of the "AACRC Choir Love Punch" will be served.
Contact: 513-556-1177
Candy Grams
10:30 a.m. - 3 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 11, Tangeman University Center Expressmart
Members of UBSA will give away and sell candy that includes love themes and perform expressions of black love.
LGBTQ Black History Month Program
7:30 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 11, Tangeman University Center Center Cinema
The UC LGBTQ Center will screen the HBO film Bessie, which chronicles the life of American blues singer Bessie Smith.
Contact: 513-556-4329
Love Jones
6-11 p.m., Friday, Feb. 12, TUC's Catskeller
The Beta Eta Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity will host "Love Jones," an open-mic night with a focus on love, relationships and romance. If you'd like to perform or for more information, contact the chapter. This event is part of Black Love Week.
Contact: 513-556-1177
UC Libraries Exhibit: I Have a Dream: Important Figures in Black HIistory
Library operating hours, Feb. 15- April 30, Fourth floor, Walter C. Langsam Library
The UC Libraries exhibit will highlight influential African-American politicians, media personalities, Civil Rights activists and inventors, with additional information available in the librarys resources. The exhibit launches XX and runs through April.
Contact: 513-556-1424
UCASA Black African Love
5 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 16, AACRC
African students will facilitate a discussion about love in the African community including discussions on how love, dating and relationships in the African community compare to those in the African American black community.
Contact: 513-556-1177
Graduate Student Career Development workshop
1-3 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 17, 425 Tangeman University Center
Come out to learn job search strategies, interview skills, career planning and more. Bring a hard copy of your resume or CV. This event is co-sponsored by BGPSA, Graduate School and Career Development Center.
. Contact:
Academic Health Center Speaker Series - Diversity and Inclusion: Education, Collaboration and Transformation
Noon 1 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 17, Rieveschl Auditorium, Vontz Center
"Cultural Competence in Healthcare, presented by Lisette Martinez, director of Diversity and Language Services, TriHealth.
Contact: Kelly Lyle at 513-558-7424 or kelly.lyle@uc.edu
Double Victory: The Tuskegee Airman at War
6 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 17, AACRC
In conjunction with Veterans Programs & Services and the PR1ZE program, the AACRC will host a viewing and discussion of the documentary "Double Victory," which portrays the history of the Tuskegee Airmen. The film features stories by the Tuskegee Airmen about the rigid patterns of racial segregation that prevailed in the United States during World War II and highlights their faith, courage and determination in becoming the first-ever group of African-American aviators in the U.S. military. Light refreshments will be served.
Contact: 513-556-1177
Fighting to Breathe: Race, History and the Perpetual Battle for Black Life
12:30 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 18, 100 Walters Hall, UC Blue Ash College
Visiting scholar Charles McKinney will lay out the reasons why protest and other types of political engagement are essential in todays society. Additionally, McKinney will engage in a conversation with the audience about how the #BlackLivesMatter movement is a crucial new element in a centuries-long struggle for equality and justice.
Contact: 513-745-5691
UC African American Alumni Affiliate Onyx & Ruby Gala
6-9:45 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 20, Sharonville Convention Center
The UC alumni affiliate will honor the achievements and contributions of UC African American alumni and faculty and staff who enhanced these collegiate experiences at the 20th anniversary event.
is required
Contact: 513-556-0435
Sisters Impacting Sisters Sip & Paint
5:30 p.m., Monday, Feb. 22, AACRC
Enjoy "mocktails" while painting images of African-American women and dance. Space is limited; reservations are required by Feb. 17.
Contact: Tamar Kinebrew at
African-American Read-In
12:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 23, 100 Walters Hall, UC Blue Ash College
Schools, businesses, community organizations and residents are urged to make literacy a significant part of Black History Month throughout the month of February. Selections are encouraged that promote inclusion, equality, peace and justice. This years theme is #BlackLivesMatter. View the
at the event.
Contact: 513-745-5691
UC Libraries Black History Month Celebration: Resource Fair
2:30-4 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 24, Langsam Library, room 462
This resource fair showcases diverse student organizations at UC, with a special focus on this year's theme of honoring black inventors. Event highlights include a theater group performing a stage play celebrating black inventors through poetry . Refreshments will be served.
Academic Health Center Speaker Series - Diversity and Inclusion: Education, Collaboration and Transformation
Noon 1 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 25, Kresge Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building
"Its About Us, Not Them: Unconscious Bias, presented by Charla Weiss, human resource consultant, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center
Contact: Kelly Lyle at 513-558-7424 or kelly.lyle@uc.edu
Afro-Caribbean Women
5-7 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 25, AACRC
The office of Ethnic Programs & Services presents a diverse and enlightening dialogue about the unique experiences of Afro-Caribbean Women. The sharing of information around the Afro-Caribbean woman defined as "one who is Caribbean with origins in Africa" will guide the discussions. While offering the various cultural dynamics of the status, involvement and existence in American society and beyond.
Contact: 513-556-1177
From Nigeria to Fiji: Andrew Foster Touches Eternity
6-7:30 p.m.,
Thursday, Feb. 25, Engineering Research Center, room 427
Presenter Bunmi Aina will discuss Dr. Andrew Foster and the concept of deaf verisimilitude as having been the founding principle for the success Foster recorded in his African mission and subsequent efforts to promote deaf education in Fiji and the surrounding Melanesian islands.
African Dance Master Class:
"My Ancestors are Royalty..Paying Homage to the Great Ones"
6:30-8:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 26, AACRC, Harambee Room
Join UC Black Women on the Move for an African Dance Master class taught by energetic instructor Ivy Pea, BlackButterfly." Learn about the history of African dance, head wraps and much more. No experience needed. Meet us on the dance floor.
S.I.S. Brunch
11 a.m. - 1 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 27, AACRC
Sisters Impacting Sisters presents its first annual Brunch for African American Women Administrators, Faculty, Staff and Students. The brunch will include a keynote address and opportunities for networking. RSVP by Feb. 19.
Contact: Tamar Kinebrew,
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