Focus on Staff With Mary Ann Rosensweet

Tending to a half-acre garden is no easy task, but then, Mary Ann Rosensweet’s hobby is somewhat akin to her 41-year career at UC: Work has always led to growth. 

When did you come to UC and how did your employment progress over those years?
"I began my career in February 1971 as a medical secretary in the division of pulmonary and critical care medicine. I remained in that division for 28 years under the division director, Robert Loudon, MD, who promoted me to administrative assistant to the director and was perhaps my most beloved 'boss.'  In 1999, I moved to assume the role of assistant to the chairman of dermatology, Diya Mutasim, MD, until October 2002, when I was recruited to my current position as administrative director for the dean of the College of Nursing. Here, I had the honor and pleasure of working for Dean Andrea R. Lindell, PhD, a great mentor, until her retirement in December 2010. Our new dean, Greer Glazer, PhD, assumed her new role in January 2, and I look forward to assisting her in growing our college."

What makes your role as the administrative director for the dean different than other roles you’ve had or other roles in the college?
"One of the major differences in working for the dean is that my position interacts with faculty, staff, students, university administrators, the provost, the president of the university and the community on behalf of the dean. Critical decisions are made daily by the dean with these individuals, and it is my responsibility to be aware of and track the communications so that I can follow through for her on each issue/interaction. Being a positive, friendly, confidential and accommodating administrator for those entering my office is a critical requirement of my position, as well as a pleasure for me to serve them."

What would you tell a new employee about what it means to work for an Academic Health Center (AHC)?
"I would tell them that working in the AHC has been, for me, an educational experience. I brought my professional skills with me, have continued to grow them through the years, and that has been the easy part. Working with nurses and physicians and preparing reports on the patients they care for has taught me so much. When I was in critical care medicine, where our physicians ran the medical intensive care unit, I was always curious about the symptoms/diagnoses of patients. Dr. Loudon always answered my curiosity with a 'lesson' on each particular disease, and I learned so much from him and the faculty and fellows that while I was fulfilling my role as his administrative assistant, I think they were enjoying educating me and satisfying my curiosity. When I came to the College of Nursing, I saw another side of health care—the critical role of nursing and how each patient is affected by their expertise in how to care for each individual patient, the soft touch, the caring words, the ability to get their patients to work as hard as they can toward healing and their education of their patients. Working in an AHC means that you are serving patients, and those who care for them, those who educate the nurses and doctors, those who make policy so that educational standards are met and the dean, who is responsible for seeing that all of this happens. My role is a unique opportunity to be the facilitator who begins the process to make these things happen." 

Have you had a mentor here, and if so who and what did they teach you?
"I’ve had several mentors throughout my life and career. My first mentor was my father, a successful businessman, who always taught me that you have to know your customer/client before you can serve them. Know them not only as a "client” but as a person, gain their trust and confidence, genuinely care about them and treat them with respect and dignity. Then you will succeed at whatever you set out to do. During my career at UC, two women have been mentors to me: Karen Christian, an executive director in the  in the College of Medicine, and Susan Ruby (retired), who served Provost Anthony Perzigian until his retirement in 2010.  The three of us have been here and have "grown up” together for over 25 years.  Both of them were always there to answer a question, tell me who to contact, which policy to use, and to be a friend. And they in turn always felt comfortable calling me for my expertise. We have laughed and cried together, watched our families grow and watched the university grow in greatness, and served our "bosses” with pleasure, pride, and dignity. Having these people in my life as confidants/mentors has truly made a difference in being my best in my roles here at UC."

What do you like to do in your spare time?
"My greatest love after spending time with my husband, son and daughter-in-law is my gardening. I love working in my half-acre garden, making landscape beds and improving them each year. This year I am going to venture into vegetable gardening, and we are looking forward to spending a good deal of time tending our son (Ben) and daughter-in-law’s (Courtney) garden.  In my spare time, I like to relax in the swing in our gazebo and read a great book, listening to the birds and chimes as the wind blows, with our trusty golden retriever by my side."

Focus On highlights faculty, staff, students and researchers at the UC Academic Health Center. To suggest someone to be featured, please email

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