President's Cabinet

Headshot of Rich Bundy

Rich Bundy

Vice President, Advancement

Headshot of Neelakshi Chatterjee

Neelakshi Chatterjee

President, Graduate Student Government

Headshot of Heather Cox

Heather Cox

Sr. Associate Vice President of Human Resources

Headshot of John Cunningham

John Cunningham

Director, Athletics

Headshot of Brandi Elliott

Brandi Elliott

Chair, Staff Senate

Headshot of Valerio Ferme

Valerio Ferme

Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost

Headshot of Ryan Hays

Ryan Hays

Executive Vice President and Chief Innovation & Strategy Officer

Headshot of Eliot Isaac

Eliot Isaac

Director of Public Safety and Chief of Police

Headshot of Patrick Kowalski

Patrick Kowalski

Sr. Vice President, Administration & Finance

Headshot of Patrick Limbach

Patrick Limbach

Vice President for Research

Headshot of Bleuzette Marshall

Bleuzette Marshall

Vice President for Equity, Inclusion & Community Impact

Headshot of Nicole Mayo

Nicole Mayo

Vice Provost of Student Affairs

Headshot of Carol Metzger

Carol Metzger

Vice President, Finance

Headshot of Tamika Odum

Tamika Odum

Chair, Faculty Senate

Headshot of Greg C. Postel

Greg C. Postel

Sr. Vice President for Health Affairs, Dean of the College of Medicine

Headshot of Bharath Prabhakaran

Bharath Prabhakaran

Vice President and Chief Digital Officer

Headshot of Lori Ross

Lori Ross

Vice President for Legal Affairs & General Counsel

Headshot of Karen Ryan

Karen Ryan

Executive Director for Governmental Relations

Headshot of Trisha Smith

Trisha Smith

Chief of Staff

Headshot of John Weidner

John Weidner

Chair of the Council of Deans, Dean of College of Engineering and Applied Science

Headshot of Madison Wesley

Madison Wesley

President, Undergraduate Student Government Association