2019 UC Advising Conference call for proposals

Eighth annual conference showcases  tools and best practices for the future of advising

The annual UC Advising Conference celebrates the history and development of the advising profession and explores ways to push advising into the future.

Historically, the event has covered topics such as the following:

  • Supporting specific populations
  • Technology in advising
  • Advising approaches and strategies
  • Advising theory

This year, the conference organizers challenge you to consider the newest and most innovative ideas around the advising profession and supporting students. This call for proposals is open to all professionals who advise, mentor, and support students, including undergraduate advisors, graduate advisors/program coordinators, student affairs staff, faculty advisors, athletics advisors, and beyond! The goal is to provide an assortment of presentations and workshops geared toward faculty and staff who advise students in a variety of ways across campus.

When writing your proposal, please keep the following considerations in mind:  

  • All sessions will be 50 minutes (please allow time for Q&A within this timeframe).
  • What best practices are you currently using?
  • What best practices need to be developed for the future?
  • What will tomorrow’s students need from academic and student support professionals?
  • Proposals that challenge participants to think outside the box about the student experience are encouraged.

A successful proposal should: 

  • Be informative
  • Encourage engagement
  • Demonstrate application to the work of the participants
  • Be grounded in research where applicable
  • Have a session title and 150 word abstract for conference program
  • Include a 400-600 word outline that incorporates learning outcomes and interactive elements

Proposals are due  June 14, 2019. If you have questions, please reach out to one of the 2019 Conference Programming Co-Chairs, Angie Cook and Anne Rohlfer, at advisingconference@uc.edu.

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