DAAP hosts Chatterjee Global Lecture Series Oct. 7

Architect Ottavio Di Blasi will speak live from Milan

The University of Cincinnati College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning (DAAP) will host The Chatterjee Global Lecture Series on Thursday, Oct. 7, 2021. The series was established in 2012 to foster dialogue and thinking between many disciplines in honor of former DAAP Dean Jay Chatterjee’s leadership and vision across relevant professional and academic areas.

The 2021 guest speaker is architect Ottavio Di Blasi (Milan, 1954), who was a close collaborator of Renzo Piano in the 1980s and founded OTTAVIO DI BLASI & Partners in Milan in 1990. His lecture, “City and University: Historical Partnership and New Opportunities,” focuses on the relationship between universities and cities and its roots in urban history. Di Blasi is a professor of architecture at Politecnico di Milano, a tutor for G124 (a special commission appointed by the Italian Senate dedicated to the renaissance of Italian peripheries) and a member of the Scientific Committee of the Renzo Piano Foundation.

Di Blasi’s design attitude is based on the idea that architecture provides a concise solution to a wide range of issues by combining invention, emotion and competence trough a humanistic approach with mankind at its core. Significant projects include: Politecnico di Milano Architecture Campus (2020), S.S. Giovanni Railway Station (2019), Gorée Victims of Slavery and Transatlantic Slave Trade Memorial (2019).

This year the lecture series will be a hybrid event. Di Blasi will be speaking live from Milan, Italy, at 4 p.m. Guests can attend virtually or in person at DAAP, 342 Clifton Court, Room  4400, where a reception will immediately follow. Masks will be required.

Register online.

Featured image at top of provided by Ottavio Di Blasi.

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