UC graduates strike gold as leaders of precious metals company
The Alexy brothers are in their early 20s, but they’ve already found success as businessmen
When the typical 20-something hears the word “metal,” their mind might go to Metallica or Black Sabbath.
For recent University of Cincinnati graduates Bowen and Finn Alexy, the term has more to do with precious metal refining, alloy brazing and the intricacies of running a business.
The Alexy brothers are still rocking Cleveland’s corporate world as co-chief operating officers of a brazing alloy manufacturing center and precious metal refinery, as angel investors and by co-founding a venture capital firm. These young Bearcat grads struck gold right after college due to their unbridled ambition, good fortune and backing by a solid UC education.
Going for the gold
The Alexy brothers may be in their early 20s, but they already hold a treasure trove of business expertise. Their first entrepreneurial endeavor came at age 11. Bowen and Finn started crushing up scrap metal in their basement to help their dad expose gold braze alloy to later refine it back into pure gold.
Bowen and Finn Alexy sign documents. Photo/Finn Alexy
“This was really where our entrepreneurial spirit started to develop,” Finn said, “and we now hold onto and cherish some of these moments and never forget where we came from.”
The brothers come from a family of entrepreneurs. Their father founded Alexy Metals with a vision to repurchase alloyed metal scrap from brazing operations and chemically refine it back into pure precious metals. After graduating from UC's Carl H. Lindner College of Business in spring 2024, Finn and Alexy joined the family business as co-chief operating officers.
Since taking on leadership roles at Alexy Metals, the pair has tackled tasks ranging from sales development and project management down to social media and public relations strategies. Through a mix of wisdom and hustle, the Alexy brothers are showing that they deserve their positions — regardless of age and family connections.
Mining for opportunity
As if to prove their entrepreneurial chops, Bowen and Finn also have founded business endeavors beyond Alexy Metals. First on the list: launching Cleveland-based angel investment firm BowFin Capital with funds they’ve amassed through years at Alexy Metals, while working additional side jobs and by making savvy investments.
The firm launched in September 2024 and is committed to backing trailblazing companies across various industries. BowFin Capital’s first investment was into Dub, a fast-growing stock trading app that lets people either copy the investments of top traders or become investors whose trades can be followed or duplicated.
UC, in my opinion, remains one of the country's best real-world business schools.
Bowen Alexy Co-chief operating officer, Alexy Metals
While the Alexy brothers have long held a passion for business, it was the time at UC that launched them to immediate success.
“UC, in my opinion, remains one of the country’s best real-world business schools,” Bowen said. “The practice, connections and skills you develop through [Lindner College of Business] are skills you can incorporate into any career path you choose.”
Few instances led to greater professional development for the Alexy brothers than the connections they made with UC professors. Bearcat faculty like Alex Burkhart, Edward Imm and Derek Shewmon “offered stories, advice and guidance” during lectures throughout the brothers’ time in college.
Shining bright at UC and beyond
UC is known for launching young talent like the Alexy brothers to success, mainly due to the school’s elite students and robust startup ecosystem. UC’s 1819 Innovation Hub, a business incubator at the intersection of industry and academia, offers Bearcats spaces like the Venture Lab and the Ground Floor Makerspace to experiment and innovate.
In Finn’s opinion, UC’s 1819 Innovation Hub is “a launchpad for entrepreneurs and a driver of economic growth and talent development in Cincinnati.” Finn continued, “I’m very excited to see how 1819 continues to foster creativity and collaboration, not only advancing entrepreneurship at the University of Cincinnati but also setting a standard for innovation in Ohio and beyond.”
While today’s Bearcats craft what’s next at the 1819 Innovation Hub, Bowen and Finn will continue to pioneer innovation in Northeast Ohio. Their business endeavors at such young ages led state Sen. Jerry Cirino to honor both Alexy brothers with citations as “Ohio’s Finest Citizens.”
This statewide recognition casts a bright light on Finn and Bowen’s perseverance and willingness to take risks. These Bearcat qualities, backed up by a coveted UC degree, solidify the brothers’ status as the gold standard among Ohio’s aspiring entrepreneurs.
Featured image at top: Bowen and Finn Alexy after graduating from the University of Cincinnati. Photo/Finn Alexy
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