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Creative Efforts on Display in Latest 'Cincinnati Review'

December 21, 2005

A wide cross-section of creative work, including new fiction from prize-winning author Antonya Nelson and poetry from former U.S. Poet Laureate Billy Collins, fills the pages of the just-released winter edition of the "Cincinnati Review." Check out the magazine's Web site for excerpts and to find out how to subscribe to the semi-annual literary journal published by UC's Department of English and Comparative Literature.

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Creative Efforts on Display in Latest 'Cincinnati Review'

December 21, 2005

A wide cross-section of creative work, including new fiction from prize-winning author Antonya Nelson and poetry from former U.S. Poet Laureate Billy Collins, fills the pages of the just-released winter edition of the "Cincinnati Review." Check out the magazine's Web site for excerpts and to find out how to subscribe to the semi-annual literary journal published by UC's Department of English and Comparative Literature.


Brett Wins Prestigious Humboldt Award

December 14, 2005

The Alexander Humboldt Foundation has notified Carl Brett that he is the recipient of a Humboldt Research Award, which is given to fund prolonged periods of research in collaboration with colleagues in Germany and is granted in recognition of past achievements in research and teaching.


UC Law Students Celebrate Release of Innocent Prisoner

December 14, 2005

The Ohio Innocence Project, based out of the UC College of Law, saw 18 months of hard work culminate in the release from prison of Clarence Elkins, marking the first time the project has won an exoneration for an Ohio inmate. On Monday, Dec. 26, Mark Godsey, associate professor of law at UC and faculty director of the Ohio Innocence Project, is scheduled to be a guest on CNN's "Larry King Live," along with Clarence Elkins and his wife, Melinda. 

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