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Meet Daniel Buchholz

March 13, 2007

As a child, Daniel Buchholz wasn't the stereotypical little boy with a frog in one hand and a jar in the other.


Protein Fault Provides Clue to Heart Failure

March 13, 2007

An international research team that includes UC scientists report that "over-expression" in a cellular mechanism essential for maintaining heart beat might provide the key to understanding how human hearts fail, and what to do about it.



March 12, 2007

*"Visitas," a film directed and produced by Romance Languages graduate Pedro Lange and current student Carolina Rueda and starring professor Enrique Giordano, finishes its world tour at the Festival de Cine de Cartagena, the oldest film festival in Latin America.


Registration Open for Spring Communiversity Session

March 12, 2007

You may have noticed with the temperatures the last couple of days that spring is not far off. Make your spring one of growth by taking a course or two through UC's "Communiversity" program. Registration is now open for the upcoming session!


Report Card Grades Urban Universities on Community Development,...

March 12, 2007

Across the country, urban/metropolitan universities are serving as partners in revitalizing their surrounding neighborhoods. It s a role forced on these institutions by virtue of landlocked locations. Now, a study out of the University of Cincinnati gauges these U.S. and Canadian efforts.


Well Wishes for Bob Fee

March 12, 2007

All of us know folks with a "big heart," those who will go out of their way to help in any way they can.

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