Featured News


Uniting the Ivory Tower and the Smokestack: Co-op Turns 100!

December 28, 2005

The University of Cincinnati is the global birthplace of cooperative education.  In 1906, 27 engineering students here piloted an uncertain experiment alternating time spent at school with professional work experience.  Now, 100 years and 43 countries later, generations of students worldwide have followed our lead.

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Latest News


Uniting the Ivory Tower and the Smokestack: Co-op Turns 100!

December 28, 2005

The University of Cincinnati is the global birthplace of cooperative education.  In 1906, 27 engineering students here piloted an uncertain experiment alternating time spent at school with professional work experience.  Now, 100 years and 43 countries later, generations of students worldwide have followed our lead.


Brett Wins Prestigious Humboldt Award

December 14, 2005

The Alexander Humboldt Foundation has notified Carl Brett that he is the recipient of a Humboldt Research Award, which is given to fund prolonged periods of research in collaboration with colleagues in Germany and is granted in recognition of past achievements in research and teaching.


Bearcats Become Podcats In The New Year

December 8, 2005

The University of Cincinnati will experiment with a new learning channel when classes resume on Jan. 3, 2006, after the winter break. That s when an experiment with seven podcast courses begins.


PROFILE: Co-op Is Firmly Rooted In This Grad's Family Tree

December 5, 2005

The Pockras/Chaulk family of Cincinnati has sent four generations of students through the University of Cincinnati s celebrated co-op program. This December, the latest twig off the family tree Amity Chaulk is set to graduate. 

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