Days Past Due
Action Taken
Past Due Account Hold in Catalyst (prevents registration and refunds) |
Weekly Bill Due emails sent |
Late Fees are assessed on the last day of the month for charges >=16 days past due |
76+ |
Accounts with an eligible balance are offered a Collection Payment Plan |
Students will receive 5 email communications about their Collection Payment Plan Offer (Day 76, 86, 101, 111, 121, 136, 141, 146) |
Payment plan must be activated before the offer expires (Offer available for 75 days)
96+ |
Collections Reminder Letter (C1A)
Letter mailed to address on file. |
151+ |
Payment Plan Offers expired and the account moved to Internal Collection
Bursar Office Resolution Analysts begin outreach to discuss account balance and repayment options |
157+ |
1st Phone Call |
Call made to phone number(s) on file. |
187+ |
2nd Phone Call |
Call made to the phone number(s) on file |
214+ |
Collection Letter- Ohio Attorney General (CAG) sent |
Letter mailed to the address on file to advise students that their account could be placed with the OAG |
Student has 30 days from the date the letter is mailed to pay the past due balance in full or contact the Collection's Office to discuss payment options |
245+ |
Account placed with OAG |
Student is no longer able to pay the balance through UC. |
Registration blocks remain on account |