Cancer Center hosting event to kick off Ride Cincinnati 2024 registration

With registration for Ride Cincinnati 2024, the city's annual fundraiser for local cancer research, now open, organizations across the city are rallying their teams to participate. The University of Cincinnati Cancer Center is hosting a special kickoff event on Friday, May 3 from 12-1 p.m. in Kresge Auditorium.

This year’s kickoff will feature a roundtable discussion that is made up of John Thornton, former Cincinnati Bengal and co-head of Roc Nation Sports, Football Division; UC President Neville Pinto; William Barrett, MD, co-director of the University of Cincinnati Cancer Center; and Cory Shaw, president and CEO of UC Health.

This event will also provide a brief history of Ride Cincinnati’s impact on local cancer research and details on how to get involved this year.

"Ride Cincinnati and the University of Cincinnati Cancer Center are committed to improving cancer care and research and making this city one of the best places in the country for those efforts,” said Miles McDowell, Ride Cincinnati representative. “The funds raised and donated to the University of Cincinnati Cancer Center by Ride Cincinnati have helped fund grants for innovative research that is making a difference.” 

“Ride Cincinnati is an example of how Cincinnati stands out when it comes to philanthropic efforts. This event brings the community together in an effort to improve local cancer research efforts by raising money to fund research grants,” Barrett said. “At the University of Cincinnati Cancer Center, we are dedicated to finding new ways to prevent cancer and to increase ways to cure those who have been diagnosed. The grants awarded by Ride Cincinnati are a starting point for researchers that can lead to a critical breakthrough in cancer research.”

Those who attend the kickoff event are encouraged to learn more about Ride Cincinnati and how they can be involved in and support this critical cause.

Learn more about Ride Cincinnati 2024, including how to register.

Featured photo at top of cyclists participating in a previous Ride Cincinnati event.

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