Headshot of Katie Pence

Katie Pence

 |  Archives

Katie is the director of Media Relations + Content within the Marketing + Communications department. She oversees media outreach for the division and assists with other media relations efforts across campuses and units.

katie.pence@uc.edu  |  513-558-4561
1024 Results

Simple Tests Can Prevent Falls in the Elderly, Study Shows

April 12, 2008

Falls are the leading cause of emergency room visits and injury-related hospitalizations among adults over age 65, according to the Hamilton County Fall Prevention Task Force. But UC researchers are trying to see if that risk can be reduced by simply teaching the elderly to detect their own chances of taking a spill.


Study Shows Older Corneas May Work Well for Transplant

April 11, 2008

People on long waiting lists for corneal transplants, which could help recover their eyesight, may not have to wait any longer. According to a new study conducted by researchers at UC, older corneas may transplant as well as younger ones, which will expand the age of cornea donation to 75 and increase the corneal donor pool.


UC HEALTH LINE: Live Cultures in Food Won't Help the Healthy

March 27, 2008

Many people are flocking to the grocery store shelves to purchase cheese, yogurt and other products that contain probiotics, or live cultures, claiming they help regulate digestion and boost the immune system. But researchers at UC say these expensive alternatives may not be beneficial for the everyday person.


UC HEALTH LINE: Gum Disease Can Lead to an Unhealthy Heart

February 28, 2008

You ve repeatedly heard it from your dentist since your very first teeth cleaning and checkup: brush twice a day and don t forget to floss. But this advice may contribute more to your health than a mouth full of cavity-free teeth, according to cardiologists at UC.