Get to Know Samantha Cook, PsyD (She|Her)

Samantha Cook in her office

Associate Director of Clinical Services | Licensed Psychologist

In my professional identity I am a Psychologist. I advocate for the ethical use of assessment services and conceptualize in mental health in relation to power and privilege and the systems within which we exist as humans. I am passionate about supporting survivors of trauma, women’s issues, concerns related to parenting and parenting trauma, supporting individuals who are neurodivergent, and addressing symptoms of anxiety, depression, grief etc. I am most commonly considering what circumstances/systems are at play and how to disrupt those systems empowering my clients.

Personally, I am a mother to two awesome kiddos. I love chicken Tikka. I have a major sweet tooth (especially for chocolate). Spending time hiking or in the wilderness brings me peace. I especially love splashing in creeks. I am an introvert with extrovert tendencies. Basically you are as likely to find me under a pile of blankets reading in my room as socializing with friends at an event.

My favorite thing about working at CAPS: The People! Students, families, and my fellow staff. It is one of the few places I have worked where community is advertised and delivered.

Something I like about myself: I’m going to give two answers. I love my patience. It has been honed over many years of working with kids in a variety of settings. However, my own children know how to wear me down :/ I also love my ability to hug and give comfort. As my daughter says, “mommy you feel like a pillow.”

Currently, I am listening to this podcast: Radiolab. I love the discussion of science, historical context, politics, and social justice in their content. I am constantly recommending the series titled “G.” I found it incredibly relevant to my work as a psychologist and important to consider with regard to social justice.